Boo Treasure


BooTreasure allows you to have some treasure's chest spawn in you world.
The chest will be available to grab for a predefined duration, after that it disappear with its contents or if you decided to set your treasure with the 'preservecontent' flag the next treasure will gain all the non-grab stuff.

How it works ?

To create a treasure's chest launch this command in game:

/bootreasure chest create

This command launch a Conversation procedure, follow and answer the questions.
For the cron pattern asked, please report yourself here:


This plugin is a work in progress on Beta so be careful if you want to use it.
I can't be responsible of eventuakky lose on your server. Use it at your own risks.

For better performance the plugin don't search on all blocks to find a valid block where it can appear.
The plugin take one loaded chunk at random, it didn't browse all chunks. When it has a loaded chunk it searchs a block at random without browsing all the blocks. When the random block fullfill all requirements it uses it for future treasure's chest. This is what it does :

  • onlyonsurface: true
    the search deal with only the highest blocks vertically
  • onlyonsurface: false
    take a random loaded chunk and take the first block with air space
    More things coming ..


  • Add the support's block setup
  • Add a WorldGuard condition
  • Add a PreciousStones condition
  • Add a fixed region condition
  • Add a group only treasure


This plugin depends on :

  • Vault

The plugin use a copy of:


Beta release.
Please report me all errors that you'll can find.
A file 'errors.txt' will contain warning and errors, if you want to help me please provide me its content when you post errors.


  • Initial Beta release, use it at your own risks, i can't be responsible for lose in your server
  • for the moment the 'places' approach is not implemented
  • to create a chest launch command -> /bootreasure chest create and follow the questions


Put the .jar in your 'plugins' folder.
On first start it creates its own folder with a config.yml, a messages.yml and a file 'treasures.yml'.
The treasures.yml will contain a treasure, it will be launched every minute multiple of 2 ( CronPattern: */2 * * * * ) and the chest will contains a bread.
If error or warning occured a file 'errors.txt' will be created with the error's message.


To create a treasure's chest :

/bootreasure chest create

This command launch a Conversation procedure, answer all the questions. If a question wait for a 'yes/no' answer use 'true' for 'yes' and 'false' for no. The sentences of this procedure is set on 'messages.yml'.

A serialized version of appeared treasure's chest will be stored in the folder 'lost+found'. On next restart to not let chest all other your worlds the plugin will remove this lost chests.


Please don't edit the 'treasures.yml' in the 'setup.contents' part because this is the chest's content representation except if you know what you're doing.

Need help ?

Feel free to join me at #boo on and hl me.


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