
== Bombs! == Throw Grenades and place Land Mines just simply by right clicking with magma cream and throwing snowballs! NO CONFIGURATION NEEDED!

Features: BOMBS!

Overview: Throw grenades, place land mines, and detonate C4, all with simply right clicking with an item! Customize how big the power of the explosion is!

Commands: /bombs help /bombs disable /bombs enable /bombs setpower <power> /bombs halloween

Permission nodes: Bombs.enable: Allows player to enable plugin Bombs.disable: Allows player to disable plugin Bombs.setpower: Allows player to set power of explosions Bombs.Grenades: Allows player to throw grenades. Bombs.Landmine: Allows player to place land mines. Bombs.DMine: Allows player to disable land mines. Bombs.C4: Allows player to place and detonate C4. Bombs.halloween: Allows player to do /bombs halloween

ChangeLog: 1.01: Fixed Desc. of Land Mines. Added C4 but each player can only place one at the moment D: Now able to edit the explosion power 1.1 Halloween update! 1.2.1 Compatible with 1.4! C4 now invisible, doesn't change block to sticky piston. 1.3 Now able to disable land mines with blaze rods! C4 now has cool effects! Can be tracked by right clicking a slimeball, when its been placed. 1.3.1 No more errors with snow golems. 1.4 Now seperate perms for each feature.

To-Do List: Cannons? Halloween Update: Pumpkins...


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 30, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Mar 3, 2013
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