
Introduced a bomberman gamemode for Minecraft.

Relatively simple controls, and does not interfere with other plugins (to my knowledge).

Power-ups are in the form of flowers. Destroy them to get them.

Yellow flowers give you more range.
Red flowers give you more bombs.

Right clicking while in an arena spawns a bomb.

Here are some sexy pics:,mNZQvbr,2k4D90J,F3NyPCh#0
My latest update to the source was back in May 12, 2012, but if you find any issues, just yell at me via e-mail and I'll make an update.
If you find problems, please post them here so that I can get notified of them.
I currently work full time, but I'd be willing to put in some time every evening to make fixes and more features.

Player commands

/bs join [number] - Joins the specified arena.
/bs ready - Readies up.
/bs unready - Lets other players know that your body is not ready.
/bs leave - Leaves your game.

Admin commands

Note: All commands that require an arena number can default to the currently selected arena.
/bs - lists all arenas and number of active players.
/bs new - makes a new arena with the current settings at your current position. I recommend putting it somewhere in the sky.
/bs select [number] [number] - selects the specified arena.
/bs delete [number] - deletes the specified arena.
/bs start [number] - force-starts the specified arena. Doesn't do anything if there are less than 2 players.
/bs stop [number] - force-stops the specified arena.
/bs fill [number] - fills the specified region with the hard and soft blocks.
/bs repair [number] - repairs the specified arena. By default, blocks in arenas cannot be deleted, but that doesn't stop other plugins.

Arena settings

Note: By leaving off arguments for these, it will print out the current value.
/bs size [width (x)] [height (z)] [depth (y)] - sets the size for the specified arena.
/bs density [percent 0-100] - Sets the density for destructible blocks.
/bs hdensity [precent 0-100] - Sets the density for indestructible blocks.
/bs margin [percent 0-100] - Sets the ready margin for players. If set to 0, then the game will start when one player readies up ("/bs ready").
/bs npcs [number] - Sets the number of enemies that spawn in the arena. These are just modified creepers that explode with a large range.
/bs sizeper [size in blocks] - Sets the arena size per player.
/bs autoscale [0 or 1] - Sets whether or not the region auto-scales based on the number of players.
/bs powers [ticket count] - Sets the ticket count used when calculating whether or not a power drops. Fewer tickets = higher drop chance. 2 for always dropping powers.

And that should be everything for now! Give me a shout if you like it or have any feature requests.
Or, if you want to add it yourself, fork me (oh yeah, baby) on and send me a pull request.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 27, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 27, 2013
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