Enjoy the sight of blood? You're in luck, with Blood every hit you take or throw will be followed with a lovely splash of blood! Super simple, no set-up needed plugin. If a config file is needed, I'll add one in later!
The Crazy Lab
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Footnote: See if you can find the Easter egg!
Special thanks to AlexNuB!
Thanks very much, mate! Let me know if you need anything!
- GizmoRay
Thanks for this plugin, i use it in my server for a while now and i have no probs at all so far :)
Need some more details on the matter – What version of Bukkit are you running? Does it give you an error? Does the plugin activate? Are you punching someone without a weapon (if you are, decrease value of damage in config, or use a sword)?
- GizmoRay
Blood does not work. When i hit smbd, i dont get result, what to do?
Thank you
Thanks for 15,000 downloads, folks!
- GizmoRay
I hope so too, only way to do this would be to use ProtocolLib and actually cancel the sound packet from being sent. That would not only force users to install PL on their servers, but it'd also add a goodly amount of processing to the plugin (increased lag and overall server usage). At the moment, STEP_SOUND is the only way to access the correct particle effects for blocks.
Thanks again, mate!
- GizmoRay
Ive never played with sounds in any way so far..
but if it cannot be removed, or set to clear ambiant or volume lowered or anything for now - well thank you for trying and I hope mojangs APIs stop sucking so we can make awesome plugins like this even better - cuz the sound sucks but is not your fault then.
Ha ha, that's not the sound I removed, mate! This plugin unfortunately cannot be done, at the moment, without that sound.
Best of luck, to ya'! ;)
- GizmoRay
you sure you cannot just remove the STEP_SOUND to remove that annoying hit sound? I really dont feel like debugging myself.
Squeaky noise? There's a block-break noise, that unfortunately cannot be removed at the moment.
Shouldn't be any other noise! ;)
When I installed, I got this EXTREMELY annoying little squeaky noise whenever I got a critical hit.
EXTREMELY annoying, please remove this. Trying to make a dead space type server, and that will not help at all.
Thank you very much for the video, guys! It looks awesome! I'll add it to the main page.
As for the Mooshrooms, it's a full mushroom block from the mushroom biome. Originally I had planned to make more custom effects, only Mooshrooms and Iron Golems at the moment.
Thanks again for the video!
- GizmoRay
We thought your plugin was really awesome, so we made a video about it!
Feel free to use it how you like :P
- Andrew
Hmmm, that could be fixed I suppose — would have to add the same cooldown that MC has. I'll see what I can do! ;)
- GizmoRay
I have noticed a slight bug. If you have a weapon capable of the damage trigger, and you click your mouse faster than your player can swing his sword, you can "blood-hit" the mob really fast, causing lots of particles, without actually damaging the mob, because the game still has it's hit-cooldown from the previous hit.
Any screenshots or just more detail in general?
There's a video posted demonstrating the plugin! Thanks for the interesting!
Sorry for taking so long to respond, the BukkitDev website it generally a better place to post 'em! ;)
Thank you very much! Let me know if there are any changes that you would like! <3
- GizmoRay
This is exactly the type of plugin I was looking for! Thanks! >:D
Most the other blood plugins are either way over the top with their effects and blockchanges, or are far too simple and use very basic block changes or even just redstone drops. I knew the tiny redblock hit-particles could be used! ;)
So yeah, Love your implementation of this idea!
The last time I tested this plugin, the blood effect still appeared inside a worldguard area where pvp was set to deny.
Anyway you could add worldguard support?