Enjoy the sight of blood? You're in luck, with Blood every hit you take or throw will be followed with a lovely splash of blood! Super simple, no set-up needed plugin. If a config file is needed, I'll add one in later!
The Crazy Lab
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If you have any serious bugs, please submit a ticket, else I may miss the issue and it will be left unchanged!
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Footnote: See if you can find the Easter egg!
Special thanks to AlexNuB!
Source code?
Does this work for 1.8?
Does it work for 1.7.x ?
Dont because dont is mult-version
Can you add a command for players to be able to disable it ? For exemple, a player enter /blood and then, he doesn't see anymore the blood.
By the way, awesome plugin :D
I'd suggest making the enderman blood particle the portal block (90).
lol that's a good bug
That isnt a bug...
I found a bug! The 1.6.4 version works for 1.7.2!
Hello, this plugin shows blood particles when "damage" that WOULD be dealt by player reach XYZ value. What about making particles only if that damage HAS BEEN DONE?
I mean - for example in mini-game survival games, players are not able to kill each other in the beggining of the round, but when they hit each other, it stills create particles, which looks weird (and it create particles EACH TIME player click, not each time player is hit).
If you make this in next-version, it will be the best blood plugin (because there are many blood plugins but none of them can this)
Working normally in my server (1.7)
This plugin kicks back ERRORS when used with 1.7.2 ! No good!!
Work this with 1.7.2?
Add in the config, option to set true or false bleeding on each mob, and if possible delete the sound of the block breaking when you hit entities (or add this option on the config) thanks for the plugin, BlockWar :D
Don't you think it would be nice if you add some sort of particle options? Redstone particle (when breaks) is a lot more better in my opinion.
There is a configuration file for the plugin that affects what's played, and when it's played. The velocity and damage indicators adjust what's needed to play the effects (lower the velocity you get blood effects from snowballs, eggs, etc.. The same goes for the damage). The only measure of time in which people bleed, is the period in which one is attacking them and however long it takes to play the adjoined effect. I can add something for world specificity, such that you'll be able to customize that.
The plugin works off of step particle effects, meaning that it's not easy to make particles stay in the world for any period of time. I'm not a fan of plugins that adjust the blocks in the world to perform the aforementioned effect.
We need a config file!
Hey there. I really like your plugin and it's a lot of fun using it. But like killerwars2000 said, we need a config file to adjust, for expample: - which impacts cause blood particels (snowballs, eggs, diamond sword) - world specific on|off mode for blood-effects - adjust the damage and the time of the bleeding-effect (dmg over time) I would really appreciate this :) Greetings, DrW
PS: You may add some particels on the floor, which stay there for a couple of seconds that would be awesome! *-*
Why can't we make people bleed with snow ball please make a better config file I realy need a Plugin of Blood for Crackshot !!!!!
Sadly, it's not working for items added with flans mod / forge :/ Blood Particles is working on the other hand, but is unuseable aswell because of the sound overflow and the particle number per hit... is there any way to include those weapons? Maybe changing the event when the blood should appear to entity take damage or something like this? That would basicly exclude any problems with items.
Edit: I think you can remove the if statement in your PluginListener class. That would allow custom blocks liek bullets to be recocnized as a "damager":
And since you are using probalbly this package, you'd be able to change the particle effect inside the configuration file to something more abstract such as the villager particle effect *.*
Edit2 / Update: Yeaaah I've rewritten it and now the EntityDamageEvent is called in the PluginListener.class, not the EntityDamageByEntityEvent. That just bypasses the searching for an Entity (equals the Damager), which allows us to hit monsters/entitys with custom tools/items/blocks/models/whatever :D The only requirement is, that the entity (enemy) has to take damage! The only downside for this is that velocity is not possible anymore. I've took the velocity option out of the configuration file. Write me a PN if you want the project, It's basicly your work and i don't want to disturb it. I am not going to publish this in any way, but if you want so I'll be glad to give you my few changes :)
could we get a toggle for the blood please? /blood on|off Thank you for your work.