
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

BlockParty header



BlockParty is a Minecraft minigame plugin. You can easily set up multiple arenas in multiple worlds. After the arena is set up the players have to dance on the floor. A random block is given to each player on every level. After that, the players have to run to a block on the floor with the matching color. If they are not standing on the right one, they are out of the game. You can use your own floor patterns and let the floor create randomly.


This plugin requires no other plugins to run. Add these plugins to enable extra features.

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Download the jar file and place it into your plugins folder. A new folder is created (named BlockParty) after the server is started. A few file and sub-folders should be located there.



# BlockParty configuration

# Locale file located in plugins/BlockParty/Locale/*.yml
LocaleFileName: locale_en.yml

# Saves all data on plugin shutdown. Not necessary
SaveOnDisable: false

# Disables listed sub commands, example:
# DisabledSubCommands: ["help", "reload", "join"]
DisabledSubCommands: []

  # Chat format when in arena
  # Placeholders:
  # %ARENA%: Arena player is in
  # %NAME%: Player name without formatting (e.g. rank, colors)
  # %DISPLAY%: Name with formatting
  # %MESSAGE%: Message sent
  ArenaChatFormat: "&8[&7%ARENA%&8] &7%DISPLAY% &8> &r%MESSAGE%"

  # Separates normal from arena chat
  # Useful for non-bungee servers
  ArenaPrivateChat: True

# How to use join signs:
# Line 1: [BlockParty]
# Line 2: Arena name (case sensitive)
  # Enable join signs
  Enabled: True

  # Update signs every x milliseconds
  UpdateMillis: 1000

      1: "&4[Off-%ARENA%]"
      2: "Not available"
      3: "&8&l%PLAYERS%/%MAX_PLAYERS%"
      4: "&4• Stopped •"
      1: "&5[Join-%ARENA%]"
      2: "Voting..."
      3: "&8&l%PLAYERS%/%MAX_PLAYERS%"
      4: "&5• Lobby •"
      1: "&4[Full-%ARENA%]"
      2: "Voting..."
      3: "&8&l%PLAYERS%/%MAX_PLAYERS%"
      4: "&5• Lobby •"
      1: "&8[Ingame-%ARENA%]"
      2: "%ALIVE% players alive"
      3: "&8&l%PLAYERS%/%MAX_PLAYERS%"
      4: "&8• Ingame •"
      2: "&8&lLobby"
      3: "&8&lrestarting..."

  # When set to "True", players will automatically connect to DefaultArena (see below)
  # and will be kicked from the server when leaving the arena.
  # This is mostly useful for BungeeCord servers
  Enabled: False

  # Arena players will connect to when BungeeCord is enabled. Please note the spelling and case sensitivity
  DefaultArena: Arena

  # When "True", music playback in browser will be activated. You will need a web server for this
  Enabled: False

  # Available libraries: "websocket", "jetty", "tcp/ip", "mcjukebox"
  WebSocketLibrary: jetty

  # Web server port (Not Minecraft server port!)
  Port: 8080

  # Use "MySQL" to enable MySQL, "SQL" to store data locally
  Method: SQL

  # Tables will have this prefix in front of the name
  TablePrefix: "bp_"

    # File to save database to when using SQL
    FileName: "database.db"

  # MySQL credentials
    Host: localhost
    Port: 3306
    Database: database
    Username: username
    Password: password

# End of  configuration

Arena setup

  • Create an arena
    • Use the /bp create [arenaName]
    • Replace [arenaName] with the name of your arena
  • Set the lobby spawn
    • Place yourself where you want to have your lobby spawn. Use /bp setspawn [arenaName] lobby
    • Players get teleported to this position when they enter the lobby
  • Set the boundaries of the arena floor
    • Use /bp pos <1|2> to set the positions to your current positions. OR:
    • Use /bp wand to get a stick to set the positions via left and right click
    • Finally use /bp setfloor [arenaName] to set the floor boundaries for you arena
  • Set the game spawn
    • Place yourself where you want to have your game spawn. Use /bp setspawn [arenaName] game
    • Players get teleported to this position when the game starts
  • Enable your arena
    • To be able to play in an arena you need to enable it first. Use /bp enable [arenaName]

Thats it for the arena setup. To customize your arena, use ingame commands or head to the [arenaName].yml located in your plugins/BlockParty/Arenas/ folder. Here you can find an example arena config:


  DistanceToOutArea: 5
  TimeToSearch: 8
  LevelAmount: 15
  MinPlayers: 2
  MaxPlayers: 20
  LobbyCountdown: 30
  TimeReductionPerLevel: 0.5
  TimeModifier: 0.1
  Enabled: true
  EnableParticles: true
  EnableLightnings: true
  AutoRestart: false
  AutoKick: false
  EnableBoosts: true
  EnableFallingBlocks: false
  UseAutoGeneratedFloors: true
  UsePatternFloors: true
  EnableActionbarInfo: true
  UseNoteBlockSongs: false
  UseWebSongs: true
  EnableFireworksOnWin: true
  TimerResetOnPlayerJoin: false
  AllowJoinDuringGame: true
  EnableScoreboard: false
  Name: example
  - examplesong.mp3
  Signs: []
    World: world1.13
    X: 119.96556415260845
    Y: 64.0
    Z: 26.73431969945681
    Yaw: -57.567917
    Pitch: 35.83339
    World: world1.13
    X: 126.06898491630506
    Y: 63.0
    Z: 30.055373974750374
    Yaw: -57.567917
    Pitch: 35.83339
      World: world1.13
      X: 124.0
      Y: 62.0
      Z: 28.0
      Yaw: 0.0
      Pitch: 0.0
      World: world1.13
      X: 127.0
      Y: 62.0
      Z: 31.0
      Yaw: 0.0
      Pitch: 0.0
    - exampleFloor
    Width: 4.0
    Length: 4.0


Floor setup

In BlockParty we are using our own format to save block data. We are making use of the Run-length encoding to keep the file as small as possible. You can create your own floors, save and use them.

Creating your own floor

  • Build a two dimensional pattern using terracotta, wool and/or glass (all blocks supported in > 1.13)
  • Set the boundaries of pattern
    • Use /bp pos <1|2> to set the positions to your current positions. OR:
    • Use /bp wand to get a stick to set the positions via left and right click
  • Save your pattern
    • Finally use /bp save [patternName] to save your pattern to the /plugins/BlockParty/Floors/ folder

Add a floor to your arena

  • Test your pattern
    • This is optional but you may want to test your floor
    • Use /bp placepattern [patternName] to test it
  • Activate UsePatternFloors
    • Make sure you set UsePatternFloors: true in your arena config
    • You can also add patterns in your arena config
    • Reload with /bp reload if you have just changed a value
  • Selecting an initial pattern
    • If you name a pattern start it will load first
  • Selecting the game over pattern
    • If you name a pattern end it will load when the game is over

Remove a pattern

  • List the active patterns
    • Use /bp listpatterns [arenaName] to list all active patterns for this arena
  • Remove a paattern
    • Use /bp removepattern [arenaName] [patternName] to list all active patterns for this arena

Web player setup

This is a basic tutorial on how to set up the build in web player.

  • Enable the web player
    • Head over to the config.yml located in you plugins/BlockParty/ folder
    • Make sure to enable your enable the MusicServer
    • Make sure to use jetty, other librarys are in development, and a non-blocked port
    • Your section should look like this now:
  # When "True", music playback in browser will be activated. You will need a web server for this
  Enabled: True

  # Available libraries: "websocket", "jetty", "tcp/ip", "mcjukebox"
  WebSocketLibrary: jetty

  # Web server port (Not Minecraft server port!)
  Port: 8080

Adding songs

  • Add songs to your web player songs folder
    • Head over to plugins/BlockParty/web/songs/
    • Place any songs here (e.g. example.mp3)
  • Add songs to your arena
    • Add them ingame by typing /bp addsong [arenaName] [songName]
    • Important: Make sure to also include the file type. You command should look something like this: /bp addsong exampleArena example.mp3
    • Add them to your arena config. The config section should look something like this:
  - examplesong.mp3
  • Enable the use of web player songs
    • Make sure UseWebSongs: true is set to true in your arena config

Sign setup

You can also use signs to let players join to the arena. Your sign should look something like this:

Line Content
1 [BlockParty]
2 [arenaName]


Replace [arenaName] with your arena name.

Customize your sign messages

Head over to your config.yml in the plugins/BlockParty/ folder. You can edit the used text that is displayed on the sign right there.


  • blockparty.admin
    • This provides access to all BlockParty commands (/bp admin)
  • blockparty.user
    • This provides access to basic BlockParty commands (/bp help)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 9, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Oct 3, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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