

This server mod was developed by aznPIG. He made it because on his server, there were so many griefers using lava and such. What this plugin does, is it basically blocks default people from using Ice, Water, TNT, Fire, Fire Charge, Buckets, and Mob Spawning Eggs. Feel free to download this plugin in the download section, and contact aznPIG when needed. This plugin was made on July 15, 2012. Bobybill10 and Fury66 were our first testers, as they used it on their servers. There is currently no donation place, because this isn't an advanced plugin, which doesn't really need donations. If you would like any added features, such as blocking other blocks, feel free to contact us in the ticket section. If there are any bugs or needed features that you request, feel free to give us a shout. We do know this plugin existed before, but we have simply added the spawning eggs part, and BlockBlocker, a similar plugin showed a Water Bucket as a Lava Bucket. As modifying BlockBlocker is simply against the copyright issues, we simply made our own plugni called BlockAlerter. This is a very simple plugin, that is now out for download. This blocks the following blocks (configurable):

Banned Blocks

Lava Water TNT Fire Fire Charge Buckets Spawning Eggs

Please note if you would like to give someone access to using one of these blocks, the permissions nodes are below. Just simply add it to the permissions file:

BlockAlerter.lava - Gives them access to lava.

BlockAlerter.water - Gives them access to water. - Gives them access to ice. - Gives them access to fire.

BlockAlerter.tnt - Gives them access to TNT.

BlockAlerter.* - Gives them access to all blocks.


This plugin also alerts admins if the player tries to use the block. Please note we are currently fixing the plugin from 3 known glitches: 1) It says something about NukeUSA. 2) Permissions were misspelled. 3) Still errors in console. Please wait until we have fixed this glitch. I assure you the best out of this plugin.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 21, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 22, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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