

Steel Gear:

Why use iron gear, when you can use steel! Steel equipment has more strength and durability then iron.

This plugin allows you to make a special multi-block furnace called a BlastFurnace. They burn fuel at a much higher temperature which allows you to make items made of steel. After building a BlastFurnace you can place normal fuel inside, and then simply place any of the following iron items in it to create steel items: picks, axes, shovels, hoes, swords, helmets, chestplates, leggings, or boots.

The steel items that are created have enchantments on them when they come out of the furnace. They all add durability, and other magic, which has been fine tuned on several servers to make sure they aren't too over powering and unbalanced.


The current version has no configuration options.


Simply add the BlastFurnace.jar file to your plugins folder, start your server or /reload your plugins.


To get started you must build a BlastFurnace. You will need 23 Clay Brick Blocks, 1 Glass Block, 1 Dispenser, 1 Bucket of Lava, and a Furnace. The furnace is made from multiple bricks, so follow the instructions below, and watch the video,

The bottom row looks like this and requires 8 Clay Brick Blocks:


The middle row looks like this and requires 6 Clay Brick Blocks, a Glass Block, Lava, and a Dispenser: When you place the Dispenser make sure it points out of the BlastFurnace, this is the air intake, and it requires 4 blocks of air in front of it. If the air is blocked the furnace will not be built, and if you block one later it won't work.


The top row looks like this and requires 9 Clay Brick Blocks:


Now place the furnace after all the above steps are done. It is important to build it all first, and then click on the Brick Block behind the furnace when you place it. You will receive a red message that say "BlastFurnace Created" if it was all done correctly.



Now that you built it, put any normal furnace fuel into the BlastFurnace, and one of the iron items listed above.



Thanks to HiddenIsme for this Video of construction and use of BlastFurnaces.


The current version has no commands.


The current version has no permissions settings, a future release will have permissions to block building and using BlastFurnaces, and block which items players can convert to steel items.


To remove a BlastFurnace just break the furnace block.

Iron items will use fuel but not get hot enough to make steel items if you place the listed iron items into a regular furnace or a broken BlastFurnace (missing blocks or without enough air, etc.)



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 7, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 5, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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