
As english is not my first language, you may find some mistakes =).


  • 1.0.0a
    Alpha version. It might come with some issues, which I'll try to fix in some updates.
  • 1.0.1a
    Corrects some minor bugs and the in-game help message.


This plugin allows players to manage and control the biomes in the world, facillitating the building and mob spawn controlling on any desired area*. Biomes include commands to see the biome players are in, to list the biomes contained in a certain radius and to teleport to the biomes listed. As the player discovers new biomes, each one is stored with its coordinates, so the player can teleport to it.

All the data is stored in a custom file for locations (named locations.yml), and the messages are all customizable on the config file.

*Biomes needs WorldEdit to work properly.

Future Updates

As the plugin is in alpha version, some features are not yet released, such as:

  • Seeing in what biome other players are.
  • Teleporting other players.
  • Teleportig to biomes that weren't listed in locations.yml.

Other plans for future updates include:

  • Creating a setting that makes the server store the biomes per player, which will allow players to teleport only to biomes they had discovered.
  • Letting the player create a new custom biome, with customizable mobs, vegetation and climate.
  • Creating a setting that allows to choose between having WorldEdit vinculated or not.
  • Letting the player choose the name of the biomes in config.


  • /biomes help - Provides the in-game help.
  • /biomes reload - Reloads the plugin.
  • /biomes disable - Disables the plugin.
  • /biome - Shows the biome in player's current location.
  • /biome set <biome> - Sets a selected area with the given biome.
  • /biome set undo - Undoes the biome set previously.
  • /biome search <radius X> <radius Z> - Searches for all biomes inside the given area and list them. Be careful with a big area - it might crash the server ;).
  • /biome tp <biome> - Teleports player to the given biome (which the player has to have already passed by or has to be in the list shown by /biome search).


  • biomes.* - This permission gives the permission to all the Biomes commands.
  • - Allows player to see the Biomes help page.
  • biomes.reload - Allows player to reload the plugin.
  • biomes.disable - Allows player to disable the plugin.
  • biomes.showcurrentbiome - Allows player to see the biome they're currently in.
  • biomes.set - Allows player to change the biome in certain area.
  • - Allows player to search for the biomes in the radius given and see the list.
  • - Allows player to teleport to a given biome.


When installed in the plugins folder, the Biomes folder generated will, in this version, include:

  • The config.yml file, which lets you change all the messages. 

The Deafult config.yml file:

#|   BIOMES    |#| VERSION |#
#| Config File |#|  1.0.1a |#

# Messages
no_permission: '&cYou do not have permission to do this command!'
plugin_reloaded: '&a[Biomes] &fPlugin Reloaded!'
plugin_disabled: '&a[Biomes] &fPlugin Disabled!'
command_doesntexist: '&a[Biomes] &cThis command does not exist!'
command_notfromplayer: '&c[Biomes] &4You must be a player to use this command.'

# Biomes Help
biomes_usage: '&a[Biomes] &cUse: /biomes help'

# Current Biome Message
# %b stands for the name of the biome.
biome_current: '&a[Biomes] &fYour current biome is &7%b&f!'

# Biome Teleport Messages
# %b stands for the name of the biome.
biome_teleport: '&a[Biomes] &fTeleporting to &7%b&f...'
biome_teleport_usage: '&a[Biomes] &cUse: /biome tp <biome>'
biome_teleport_error_couldnotteleport: '&a[Biomes] &cCould not teleport.'

# Biome Set Messages
# %b_old stands for the name of the old biome and %b_new stands for the name of the new biome.
biome_set: '&a[Biomes] &fReplacing &7%b_old &fwith &7%b_new&f...'
biome_set_usage: '&a[Biomes] &cUse: /biome set <biome>'
biome_set_error_noregionselected: '&a[Biomes] &cSelect a region first!'

# Biome Search Messages
biome_search: '&a[Biomes] &fFound the following biomes: &7'
biome_search_usage: '&a[Biomes] &cUse: /biome search <radius X> <radius Z>'
biome_search_error_wrongnumberformat: '&a[Biomes] &cUse an integer number!'
biome_search_error_nobiomefound: '&a[Biomes] &cNo biomes were found. Where are you?!'
  •  The locations.yml file, which stores the biomes coordenates. Please do not modify this file.

An EXEMPLE of the locations.yml file:

Biome List:
      x: 417
      y: 63.0
      z: 41
      x: -234
      y: 63.0
      z: 99
      x: 418
      y: 63.0
      z: 42
      x: -213
      y: 63.0
      z: 101
      x: 276
      y: 63.0
      z: 392
      x: -113
      y: 63.0
      z: 100



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 29, 2019
  • Last Released File
    Jan 22, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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