I tried to change a frozen area to desert/something hot, and it's still frozen!

First off, ice does not melt on it's own- this plugin is only capable of preventing new ice from forming. You will have to break it by hand, or through some other means, such as WorldEdit's /thaw command. If the ice is still coming back, even after you've removed it, stand on the ice that just formed and run the command "/biome get". It will most likely return the original biome name, and not the one you tried to change it to; which indicates that you did not select a large enough area with the "/biome set" command.

Can I remove this plugin after I make my changes?

Maybe. Since the 1.2 update, all biome changes are now permanently saved by the server. There is no built-in mechanism for global biomes, however, so you will need to keep BioMed around if you use that particular feature. If- for some reason- you are still using a pre 1.2 version of CraftBukkit (and a compatible version of BioMed) you will need to keep BioMed installed for changes to remain.

I just updated craftbukkit, and your plugin doesn't work!

BioMed relies on several parts of the craftbukkit server that are not standard parts of bukkit. It is therefore easy for updates to break compatibility. When this happens, an update will usually follow within a week (it's generally a very simple fix) but feel free to pm me, as I may have not noticed the update.


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