
A Minecraft plugin for 1.16+ Spigot, Paper server.

Bingo is a Minecraft survival game. When the game starts, you will get a 5*5 task panel. You need to complete the tasks inside as much as possible. Each time you complete a task, you will get a square of the panel. If you can get 5 in a row either in a row, column, or diagonal, you win!

NOTE: Please open a separate server for using this plugin, for it will clear the player's inventory when the game starts & ends. There is multi-world support though, so your main world will be fine. There will be BungeeCord support in the future.

  • Put the jar in the plugins folder, and run the server!
  • Lots of tasks types (Getting items, killing animals, and much more!)
  • Full Bingo minigame experiences
  • Customizable waiting area
  • Full API support (You can make plugins and add more task types, more game features and so on!)

Commands & Permissions
  • /bingo gui Open a GUI for Bingo. bingo.use.gui
  • /bingo gui <player> Open another player's GUI for Bingo. bingo.use.gui.others
  • /bingo join Join a Bingo game. bingo.use.join
  • /bingo leave Leave the Bingo game. bingo.use.leave
  • /bingo start Start a Bingo game. bingo.admin.start
  • /bingo stop Stop the Bingo game. bingo.admin.stop
  • /bingo reload Reload the Bingo game config files. bingo.admin.reload


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