
Warning: This project is experimental. Its files will not synchronize across the CurseForge network.

BetterTime is a plugin that allows you to change how time scales on your server.

Do you want days to last longer and nights to be faster over? BetterTime is the answer!

On it's first launch it'll create create a simple config file with two options you can edit, these are called "DaytimeMultiplier" and "NighttimeMultiplier" and are responsible for how time will scale on your world.

Setting "DaytimeMutliplier" to something above "1" will change how long the day time lasts, for example setting "DaytimeMutliplier" to "3" will cause the day to last for 30 minutes (3x the vanilla 10 minutes).

Setting "NighttimeMultiplier" to something above "1" will change how long the night time lasts, for example setting "NighttimeMultiplier" to "3" will cause nights to last for 30 minutes. (3x the vanilla 10 minutes).

The default settings are:

DaytimeMultiplier: 2

NighttimeMutliplier: 1


Please keep in mind that this is still in very early development and that certain things won't work yet. For example, if you are running multiple worlds on your server only the first one will be affected as of right now.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 12, 2021
  • Last Released File
    Dec 12, 2021
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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