BetterSprint Kicker

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Better Sprint Kicker

What is Better Sprint?

Better Sprint is a mod where players can re-map their sprint to a key. Sounds like 1.7, right? With Better Sprint, sprinting can be toggled, so you don't need to press the sprint key until you run out of hunger. Better Sprint also has a toggle crouch, so people can go AFK in a hidden spot, and never be found.

How does this plugin work?

Better Sprint sends a message to the server, and this plugin finds the message, then kicks the player (message configurable) and bans them (also configurable).


Download, then add the plugin to your plugins folder, then reload the server. The plugin should be installed and working perfectly.

How do I use this plugin?

Install the plugin onto your server, then restart it. A config should generate, from there you can edit what you want to happen to the player when they get seen with the mod installed. You can change the kick message sent to the player, or set if they get banned or not!


Better Sprint Kicker Config

kickmessage: "You have been kicked from the server due to Better Sprint being installed" ban: false



Currently, there are no permissions and I have no plans to add any commands.


Currently, there are no commands and I have no plans to add any commands.

Can I donate to you? ;)

Oh please, you. No need for it.


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