
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



This plugin is based on the dayz inventory system

This plugin allows you to make a certain piece of armor allow players to use a certain amount of columns of slots ("Chestplates" or "leggings"), you can edit each piece of armor in the config.yml (except "Chainmail").

Let me explain the config.yml:


  • leather_chestplate: 1

This basically means that if a player wears a leather chestplate the player has 1 column of slots available.

In Game:


As you see in the screenshot I have 3 slots (1 Column) empty and the others have one glass pane in each of them Basically you can not remove those glass panes that means you can only put items in the empty slots.

  • gold_chestplate: 2

This basically means that if a player wears a gold chestplate the player has 2 columns of slots available.

In Game:


As you see in the screenshot I have 6 slots (2 Columns) empty and the others have one glass pane in each of them

  • diamond_chestplate: 4

This basically means that if a player wears a diamond chestplate the player has 4 columns of slots available.

In Game:


As you see in the screenshot I have 12 slots (4 Columns) empty and the others have one glass pane in each of them

  • iron_chestplate: 3

This basically means that if a player wears an iron chestplate the player has 2 columns of slots available.

In Game:


So as you see there are 4 kinds of chestplates (Leather, Gold, Diamond, Iron) (Same as Leggings)


  • leather_leggings: 1

In Game:


  • gold_leggings: 2

In Game:


  • diamond_leggings: 4

In Game:


  • iron_leggings: 3

In Game:



  • itemBlocker: THIN_GLASS

itemBlocker is the item that is blocking the slots that the player can't use

item Blocker Name

  • ibName: ' '

ibName is the name of the itemBlocker (Type inside those ' ' whatever you want the name to be)

item Blocker Lore

  • ibLore: []

ibLore is the lore of the itemBlocker (Type inside the brackets "[]" whatever you want the lore to be)

Here is an example of the config.yml:

# Configuration file for the BetterClothes Plugin By Alaa
# ChestPlates
leather_chestplate: 1
gold_chestplate: 2
diamond_chestplate: 5
iron_chestplate: 4
# Pants
leather_leggings: 1
gold_leggings: 1
diamond_leggings: 5
iron_leggings: 4
# itemBlocker
itemBlocker: THIN_GLASS
# item Blocker Name
ibName: ' '
# item Blocker Lore
ibLore: []


  • Alaa: Coding
  • Shado47: Idea

This project is made by Team Melanistic


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 24, 2014
  • Last Released File
    May 20, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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