BetterChat - Chat pimpUp tool!
Version 1.0
BetterChat gives you the possibility to customise the Chat and add some improvements:
For now there aint alot Features but feel free to suggest some improvements!
- LinkSupport - Gives Links a special format
- Easy to use. Just put the Plugin into your Server and reload!
For now there are no Commands.
For individual Configuration take a look at the Page of the Feature you want to configure.
Requests & Bugs:
Feel free to create a Ticket for Requests and Bugs.
Every planned Feature is viewable here:
Alright so this is awesome, but how do I remove a tag from a player?? Whenever I try to mute a player who has a tag, they can bypass their mute! I would be find with deleting their tag and remaking it, but it would be annoying.
Can you make it so that you can configure how many letters you can type in the chat?
It was planned to improve the Chat, but this was changed.
There was no new update, so it can only underline links. (Look at the date of the last update)
What does this plugin do?