Initial Setup

In order to get your BenCmd server up and running, there are a few steps that you will need to take in order to initialize the permissions system and the channels system. Not initializing these properly before opening your server to public use may cause players to be unable to use any commands, an inability to chat, or it can cause the plugin to fail entirely.

Permissions system

Before users can perform certain BenCmd actions, the BenCmd Permissions System must be properly initialized. In order to initialize the permissions system, please perform the following steps carefully:

  1. From the console, type "group default add" to create the default group. If a user joins who isn't part of any groups, BenCmd will automatically assign them to this group.

  2. Using this page as a reference, add each permission that you want all players to have using "group default +<permission>". Permissions marked as red under the permissions list should only be given to trusted players, as they are inherently dangerous.

  3. Create an owner group by typing "group owner add" at the console. This group will only contain you and will mark you as the owner of the server. Type "group owner +*" at the console to give the owner group all permissions.

  4. Use "user <your name> add", followed by "group owner adduser <your name>" to add yourself to this group.

  5. Create any other groups that your want using "group <name> add" and give them permissions using "group <name> +<permission>".

  6. Add users to these groups using "user <name> add" and then "group <group> adduser <name>".

  7. Add prefixes to groups using "group <group> p:<prefix>" and change their name colors using "group <group> c:<hex color>"

    • Note: The list of possible hex colors can be found here.
  8. Follow the instructions [here](Group Inheritance) if you want to set up group inheritance. This step is only recommended for advanced users due to its complexity.

Chat Channels System

IMPORTANT: Performing these steps from the console may cause the channel to break the next time the server is restarted! Only perform these steps in-game.

In order for players to be able to chat, the following simple steps must be followed:

  1. Set up a default chat channel by using "/channel add <name>" in-game.

  2. Use "/group default<name>"

  3. ???

  4. PROFIT!


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