
Here it is a documentation of what BeginnerAPI can do, and from what version it is:

v1.0voidkillPlayer(Player)Kills the selected player
v1.0voidhealPlayer(Player)Heals the selected player
v1.0voidfeedPlayer(Player)Feeds the selected player
v1.0voidstarvePlayer(Player)Makes the selected player starve
v1.0voidtoggleGamemode(Player)Toggles a player's gamemode(only creative and survivial toggle)
v1.0voidaddPotionEffect(player, PotionEffectType, timeInSeconds, level)Adds the selected potion effect to the selected player for the selected time with a selected level
v1.0voidenchantItem(ItemStack, Enchantment, level)Enchants the selected item with the selected level
v1.0voidgiveItem(Player, ItemStack)Gives the selected player the selected itemstack
v1.0voidhidePlayer(Player)Hides the selected player
v1.0voidshowPlayer(Player)Shows the selected player
v1.0voidchangeItemName(ItemStack, name)Changes the selected item's name
v1.0voidchangeItemDescription(ItemStack, description)Changes the selected item's description
v1.1voidspawnEntity(EntityType, Location, amought)Spawns the selected amought of the selected entity at the selected location
v1.1ItemStackcreateItem(Material, amought, name, description)Returns an ItemStack with the selected name and description


Here are the list of events in BeginnerAPI:

  • PlayerGetKilledByPlayerEvent *
  • PlayerGetKilledByPlayerEvent is an event that listens to when a player gets killed by an other player. You can get the player with event.getEntity(), get the killer with event.getKiller(), get the handlerlists with getHandlers() and getHandlerList() and get the drops with event.getDrops().


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