
BeardStat logo

BeardStat is statistics tracking plugin for bukkit. It tracks a wide variety of user statistics and makes them available to your playerbase and plugins.

Recorded stats

  • last Login and logout time
  • Total playtime
  • block placement and breaking (including sub/metadata blocks like wool, logs etc)
  • Items picked up/dropped
  • Damage dealt and recieved
  • Kills and deaths
  • Food consumed
  • Sheep sheared and dyed
  • TNT detonated
  • Distance travelled on foot/boat/cart/horse/pig
  • Items crafted
  • Animals tamed
  • Teleports
  • Fishing

Web interface (under development)

BeardStat also comes with a web interface for stats, this allows players to view their own and friends stats on your servers website. the Web interface also includes a scoreboard system to rank players based on various statistics (playtime, creepers killed)


Stats are recorded per world, and you can blacklist worlds/gamemodes from tracking. BeardStat also has a number of commands: * /stats - access to all stats information * /played - shows a players playyime. * /laston - Returns the last time the player was on * /statpage - Allows showing a selection of player stats, useful with Bukkit's command aliasing

Dev builds

Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.

These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.

(Please note, zips in dev builds currently contain a broken implementation of the web interface, please instead download the .jar file instead. The web interface available on the right of this page) Development builds fresh from Jenkins


BeardStat has an issue tracker on github,

For error reports please include the following: * full stacktrace of the error * plugin version (inc. build number if using one from CI) * Bukkit version * Database type used (SQLite / MySQL)

Plugin integration

BeardStat provides a rich API for plugin developers to hook into BeardStat and read / record statistics.

For Developers

BeardStat stats are identifiable by a unique Id generated from 4 sub components: * Domain * World * Category * Statistic

Domain is the primary namespace for a collection of stats, the "default" domain is used by BeardStat, I ask that you use your own unique domain for your plugin (i.e. if you make a PvP arena plugin, you could use the domain "pvparena").
World represents the world in which this stat was recorded, these are for the most part the name of the world.
Two special cases exist however. "__global__" is a reserved world name, meant for stats that do not pertain to a world. The second case is "__imported__", this is a reserved world for stats that have been imported from an older version of BeardStat before per world storage was implemented.
While not intended, you can use the world id for a unique area that is not a whole world (Going back to our pvp arena example, you could use the arena names instead, such as old_forge, broken_bow instead of a world name)

Current plugins that are known to integrate BeardStat: * BeardAch - Achievements plugin * SimpleSpleef Evolution


BeardStat includes the plugin metrics code developed by Hidendra (author of LWC), which collects anonymous information about the plugins deployment (minecraft, server, plugin version, assumed server location at country level and database type used by BeardStat, aggregated into graph form.) More information on this system, including how to disable it can be found here


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 21, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Sep 5, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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