


Permission: stat.command.stat Displays statistics about yourself in game

/stats displays an overview, configurable in config.yml

/stats cat.stat displays a specific statistic

/stats -h displays help on the command

###/played Permission: stat.command.played Shows your playtime

###/playedother Permission: stat.command.played.other

Shows playtime of another player

/playedother playername

###/statsget Permission: stat.command.stat.get

view stats of another player

/statsget playername cat.stat


view a prebuilt statpage displaying several of your stats

statpages can be configured in the config.yml

###/laston Permission: stat.command.laston

View when a player was last online

can be configured to show all players (WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS OPTION ON LARGE SERVERS!!!)

Permission nodes

stat.* grants all permissions

stat.player grants /stats and /played (able to see own stats)


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