

bcCommandsign is a simple plugin that allows you to create signs, which can run any commands you want when a player clicks on it.

The development of this plugin is currently stopped. However, the latest Bukkit/Spigot version is supported. Nevertheless, if there are any bugs, I'll fix them.

All bcCore bases plugins (except bcSignWalls) will be ported as standalone versions (without bcCore) to the new Minecraft server software Sponge as soon as it is ready. There will be a standalone version for bukkit soon.


  • Store CommandSigns in MySQL database or in .yml files
  • Execute any commands you want by a sign
  • Click on sign is the same as when the player types in the commands -> No problems with permissions
  • Signs can have any text you want – the plugin stores the command internally
  • Easy setup

Commands and Permissions


The installation of this plugin is totally easy. Just put the jar file into your plugins folder and start the server once. bcCommandsign is now loading the default config files into your plugin directory. Afterwards you can configure the language and, if you prefer to save your Commandsigns into a database, the database access.

By default, bcCommandsign is running in English. You can change this in the config.yml file. bcCommandsign supports by default English (en) and German (de). Other languages have to be added manually - just copy another language file, and rename it to messages_<language>.yml and fill it up with your language strings.


There are a few things required to run bcCommandsign. Please install bcCore before you install bcCommandsign, otherwise there will be an exception!

  • bcCore (at least version 1.1.0)

This plugin also has one optional dependency:

  • SQLibrary by PatPeter (Needed if you want to store your signs into a database)


Feedback, Questions, Errors

Feel free to post feedback, questions and errors to the comments on this page. Errors can be also reported on the ticket tracker.


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