
#%r -> Ticketrange
#%pr -> Ticketprice
#%jp -> Jackpot
#%bt -> tickets bought for draw
#%t -> tax on tickets

#please use the following variables only in strings which are containing them per default
#%n,%m -> specific numbers
#%pn -> player name(s)

ticketBought: "You bought a ticket! Your ticket has the number %n!"
ticketBoughtOther: "You bought a ticket for %pn!"
ticketBoughByProxy: "%pn bought a ticket for you! It has the number %n!"
#Do not add/remove lines!
  - "This is the help for the Lottery!"
  - "There are the following Commands that you may have acces to:"
  - "Shows this help."
  - "Buys yourself a ticket for the next lottery, you may chose a number yourself if you want."
  - "Buys a ticket for someone else, you may chose a number if you want."
  - "Shows you the current Jackpot, ticketprice, tickets bought, ticket-tax and infos about tickets you bought"
  - "Shows you stats about the lottery and about the winners of the lottery"
  - "The following commands are mostly for ops or Admins, so you may not have acces to them:"
  - "Reloads the config, if -f is set it also reloads the lottery-data.!"
  - "Forces the next drawing of the lottery."
  jackpot: "Current Jackpot: %jp"
  price: "Ticketprice: %pr"
  ticketsOnDraw: "Overall tickets bought for current draw: %bt"
  drawsSinceWin: "Draws since the lottery was last won: %n"
  tax: "The tax on the tickets is %t%."
  introBoughtTickets: "You bought the following tickets:"
  boughtTicketInfo: "Ticket no. %n, you would get %n if this ticket would get drawn now!"
  intro: "Player-Stats"
  tickets: "Total tickets bought: %n"
  draws: "Total draws commenced: %n"
  wonDraws: "Total number of won draws: %n"
  winners: "Total number of winners of the lottery: %n"
  amount: "Total amount of money won through the lottery: %n"
  amountPP: "%pn won %n in %m draws"
  intro: "Drawing......%n!"
  singleWinner: "Winner is: %pn!"
  singleNotification: "You won the whole pot! You got: %n"
  multiWinner: "Winners are: %pn!"
  multiNotification: "You got %n of the pot!"
  noWinner: "Nobody won the lottery!"   
  noPlayer: "You have to be a player to buy tickets!"
  ticketRange: "Please enter a valid ticketnumber between 1 and %r!"
  money: "You do not have enough money to buy a lottery-ticket!"
  maxTickets: "You allready have the maximum amount of tickets!"
  otherMaxTickets: "%pn allready has the maximum amount of tickets!"
  invalidPlayer: "There is no player with name %pn"


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