Default Config

# Blocks commands that you don't want someone to use while tagged
   - spawn
   - home
   - warp
# Time, in seconds, that a player must wait in order to log out after being engagged in combat.
tagtime: 30

# If somebody tags someone else, they will get tagged aswell
tagall: true

# The message that is sent to a player after they login after being killed
   enabled: true
   message: "&eYou have been killed for combat logging!"
# Message that will be sent to the server when someone combat logs
   enabled: true
   message: "&4{player} has been killed for combat logging!"
# People can not teleport (portals, teleportation commands, etc) while tagged
noteleport: true

# Disallow people to enter a no-pvp region after being tagged (Requires worldguard and worldedit)
   enabled: false
   throwback: false
   velocity: -1.1

#Worlds to DISABLE the plugin in (CaSe SeNsItIvE)
- ThisWorld