
This is my first plugin (that I have released) so I thought that I would make it simple and make sure it has no errors. This is basically the most noobish plugin you can make and isn't very difficult. What it does is you type a command and it says a basic message.


/twitcha - Announces to the server "{Name} is currently going to stream on Twitch! Give your support... or PERISH"

/twitche - Announces to the server "{Name} is now done with the stream"

/youtubea - Announces to the server "{Name} is currently going to make a video for Youtube!"

/youtubee - Announces to the server "{Name} is now done with the video"

/joinme - Announces the exact same message when you actually join the server "{name} joined the game"

/leaveme - Announces the exact same message when you actually leave the server "{name} left the game"


basic.twitch - /twitcha & /twitche (You want to separate your youtubers from your streamers) - /youtubea & /youtubee (You want to separate your streamers from your youtubers)

basic.fake - /joinme & /leaveme (This is mainly for admins only)

basic.* - Gives permission to all of the above


There is NONE! You may want it saying something different, but I mean really. If you want a plugin that announces when a YouTuber/Streamer is about to make a video/stream, then it pretty much only requires a basic broadcast to the server.

Why did I include /joinme and /leaveme? Hell, I don't know. On my server, I have a ton of youtubers, some semi-famous and some semi-famous and I wanted to make a rank and have a plugin that announced when they would stream/make a video so I made this. Then, I have a plugin that does the /joinme and /leaveme part but I didn't want all the other stuff it had included in it so, I just combined them. Trust me, this is by far the easiest plugin I have made but it has helped me and my friends. I will update this when needed. Keep in mind though, for the fake join and leave message, it does NOT hide you from /list or tab; you probably can just use essentials' /v command to hide you from other players. Comment below on what else should be included.


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  • Created
    Apr 6, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 6, 2014
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