Supported Bukkit Versions
- Leak detection is now configurable, can be disabled by setting to 0.
- Added more missing default permissions.
- Fixed incorrect date and actor when listing past bans via /bminfo -b.
- Added [warnPoints] to bminfo summary.
- Fixed createNoteReasons option not being honoured. Thanks to sigmaroot for the PR.
- Fixed ban/mute expiration lengths incorrectly rounding, e.g. 10d showed 1 week, instead of 1 week 3 days. Thanks to sigmaroot for the PR.
- Ignore command blocks during broadcasts. This fixes incompatibilities with PaperSpigot as well as a possible crash in Spigot 1.10.
- Fixed typo in unban ip range notify causing NPE.
- Updated HikariCP to 2.4.6, fixes issue with showing network timeout as an error rather than info in logs.
- Added /reasons to list all predefined reasons.
- Notify player when unmuted via /unmute.
- Added mute on warn, disabled by default.
- Requires players to type in their most recent warning reason otherwise they will not be able to chat
- Removed on server restart and player leave
- Added player join leave history ip history, enabled by default, set logIps to false to disable
- Usage: /bminfo -i <pageNumber> <player>
- Requires permission bm.command.bminfo.history.ips
- Added flag parsing to predefined #reasons.
- Fixed temp warnings still broadcasting when silent.
- Converted warning points to decimals. You may now warn a player for x.y points.
- Fixed geoip config file deleting.
- Some messages can now be disabled by simply blanking them within the messages.yml file. Please open an issue if you find any that are not affected.
- Added warning points to bminfo via [meta] token.
- Requires adding [meta] to history.row in messages,yml
- Renamed external to global.
- Configs will automatically convert.
- This change is to avoid confusion between local and remote databases.
- Reports
- Added report states, with custom state support.
- Added /report tp <id>
- Assign reports to players via /report assign <id> <player>
- Unassign reports via /report unassign <id>
- List reports via /report list [page] [state]
- Close a report with a comment or command via /report close <id>
- /report close 2 /ban someHacker Hacking.
- /report close 3 Resolved in game.
- Output open and assigned reports on join, requires and bm.notify.reports.assigned permissions.
- Fixed new players missing from autocomplete.
- Fixed /bmactivity player search.