Ban griefers and hackers

For those who want more commands, please post your ideas in the comments.

For people who are waiting for the upcoming features, I will be coding them this summer, hopefully I can get 1 or 3 of those features done and working.


About the plugin

This a plugin that allows admins and owners to put a commandblock down and put the commands that come with this plugin so that they can make sure that the player isn't a hacker or a greifer. This plugin won't effect people that has /ban on their permissions. If you want to help me code it, that is fine, but just please contact me.


Command Block

You can enter /greifer , /regular , and /hacker into a command block, but that will be put into a config file that will enable commandblock and disable commandblock


If someone puts in /greifer or /hacker, they will be kicked, then banned. If someone puts in /regular , then they won't be kicked and banned, they will be teleported to the spawn point, will also be in the config file.

  • /greifer - It marks them as a greifer, and the plugin will kick the person and ban them
  • /hacker - The same as /greifer, but it marks them as a hacker.
  • /regular - It will put them as a regular player and teleports them to the spawn point.


  • aaron.ban - You will have to put this on every single staff group or player that you have.
  • aaron.banhammer - You will have to put this on every single staff group or player that you have.
  • aaron.noadvertisers - You will have to put this on every single staff group or player that you have.
  • aaron.permission - You will have to put this on every single staff group or player that you have.
  • aaron.hammer - You will have to put this on every single staff group or player that you have. .

History of Plugin

The reason why I made this plugin is because I was tired of hacing hackers, greifers, etc on my server. So I asked a freind of mine that is a coder to teach me how to create plugins. After about 2-4 hours, I started coding the plugin. I had a lot of errors in eclipse, so I went to the bukkit's irc channel for developers. I had asked a lot of questions, and they had answeredthem. After a while of coding, I tried to export it out of eclipse, but it failed because there were still errors.

Planned Things!

  1. Adding /regular
  2. More to come!

People that helped me code this plugin

  • Some people on the irc channels of bukkit,
  • ApexXVI,
  • and me, noraaron1.

Need some help?

If you are having some trouble with the plugin, there is two ways you can get help from:

  1. You can go on our forums and tell us what your problem is.
  2. You can go on our IRC channel, #BanGreifersAndHackers


  • The first download was approved on the 26 of May, 2013.

Want to see what you can do with this plugin?

A way to set this plugin up!

Another way to set this up!

Proof that this works!

  • [16:48] <AaronBot> [[Member]soph00 was KICKED (You will be banned, advertiser!)]
  • [17:51] <AaronBot> [[Moderator]eedwinteech was KICKED (You will be banned, hacker!)]
  • [16:33] <AaronBot> [[Member]bismol was KICKED (You will be banned, greifer!)]
  • [16:51] <AaronBot> [[Member]Deadly_Cupcake was KICKED (You will be banned, hacker!)]
  • [17:12] <AaronBot> [[Member]FaFa12321 was KICKED (You will be banned, hacker!)]
  • [17:14] <AaronBot> [[Member]IphoneLuver was KICKED (You will now be banned, because you are using a hack)]
  • [19:58] <AaronBot> [[Member]alia0303 was KICKED (You will be banned, hacker!)]
  • [20:02] <AaronBot> [[Member]alia0303 was KICKED (You will be banned, greifer!)]

How much this plugin will cut on your bans for hackers, greifers, and advertisers

Click here to see how much!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 18, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 9, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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