

Installing SimplePoints is easy, just download the latest version (Currently v0.4) and drop it in your "plugins" directory, when you next start the server, a folder, "SimplePoints", will be created along with 2 files inside it, a "config.yml" file to configure the plugin, and a "points.dat" file which stores the points, You should never touch this file, unless you want to reset everyone's points, in which case, simply delete it. The config file will be auto-populated with the default settings. Which will look something like this:

Send message to point receiver: true
Auto points amount: 5
Auto points time in minutes: 60
Enable auto points: false

Which is fairly self explanatory, "Send message to point receiver" enables sending a message to the receiver of the point gain/loss/set, example: "badbh222 has given you 50 points, you now have 317 points". *Note* You do not receive these messages through Auto point gaining over time to prevent spam. The other three options are related to Auto point gaining over time. "Auto points amount" is the amount to give each player connected to the server at each interval. "Auto points time in minutes" is how long the intervals are, in minutes. "Enable auto points" should be set to true to enable Auto point gaining over time.

For example:

Send message to point receiver: true
Auto points amount: 3
Auto points time in minutes: 5
Enable auto points: true

Every 5 minutes, the plugin will give anyone on the server 3 points.

Once you have set up your config file (If needed) you are ready to go enjoy your points! :D


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