Everyone wants extra storage, Backpack!
Do not use the 1.6.x builds of backpack with a 1.7.x. server....
Core Features
- Configurable Drop on death
- Uses Vault for Economy handler.
- Allow your players to expand their Backpack from 9 slots to a max of 54.
- Multiworld support with different Backpacks or Sharing!
- Overflow abilities from players main inventory. (Must have at least 1 open slot to make overflow abilities work).
- Blacklist Abilities - deny certain items in the Backpack
- Fully functional API.
Spout Enabled Features
[Requires SpoutPlugin ]
- Custom GUI for Upgrading Backpacks.
- Custom Hotkey assignments for opening Backpack.
Multi-Server Enabled
- This plugin is written for both Bukkit and Spout Servers.
- AlmuraDev Team
File: config.yml
- use-economy: Whether or not to enable economy system for backpack purchase & upgrades.
- use-spout: Whether or not to enable SpoutPlugin based features.
- control-panel: Enable or disable Admin Panel.
- hotkey: KEY_V {default keybinding inside of Spoutcraft to display Admin Panel}
- no-perm-default-size: 9 {default backpack size if no permissions system found}
- hotkey: KEY_B {default keybinding inside of Spoutcraft to open Backpack}
File: blacklist.yml
- Contains list of items you dont want users to save in their backpack.Follow file format automatically created. Use only names of materials, not numbers.
File: share.yml
- Contains list of backpack shareable worlds.
share: world: - world_nether - world_end
In this above configuration, WORLD is the name of the Parent World. The child objects below it will be the name of shared worlds from the parent. Simply modify the name of your Parent Worlds to get the specific world sharing you desire.
- If you used any previous build of Backpack prior to build 81, I would advise you that if you decide to use the world sharing feature, delete any world directory in your /backpacks/ directory that is now being shared. The existence of these now un-used files give troubles for the upgrade procedure under very specific circumstances.
Here's a list of specific permissions nodes for this plugin and what each does.
- backpack.use = Allows the users to use the Backpack itself.
- backpack.upgrade = Allows for users to upgrade their Backpack.
- backpack.keepitems = Allows users to keep items in Backpack upon player death.
- backpack.noblacklist = Allows users to bypass the backpack blacklist.
- backpack.noupgradecost = Allows users to upgrade backpack for free.
- backpack.overflow = Allows item pickups to automatically go into the backpack if users inventory is almost full.
- backpack.share = Allows backpack to be shared across specified worlds from share.yml
- backpack.admin = Allows user to use Admin Panel.
- backpack.size.18 = Allow 18 Slot Backpack.
- backpack.size.27 = Allow 27 Slot Backpack.
- backpack.size.36 = Allow for 36 Slot Backpack.
- backpack.size.45 = Allow for 45 Slot Backpack.
- backpack.size.54 = Allow for 54 Slot Backpack.
- /backpack = Opens Backpack
- /backpack upgrade = Upgrades backpack
Support for this and all other AlmuraDev plugins can be found by joining our chat channel here:
Hard Dependencies
- Bukkit 1.5.1+
Soft Dependencies
- SpoutPlugin [Needed for Hotkeys and Custom Interface] << Not Required
- Vault 1.2.15+ [Needed for Economy Support] << Not Required
Spoutcraft & SpoutPlugin
Get Spoutcraft & Spoutplugin Now! >> Get Spout!
Donations for this project can be directed here: PayPal: Click Here
Many thanks for your consideration.
how do i give someone backpack.use ?? please help
What is the command to open up the Admin Panel?? I don't see it listed here... and /backpack admin does nothing.
So i oped my self and gave my self owner goup (owner has op and *) and i did /backpack and it worked then i closed it and typed it again and it said i had no perms.. I am on 1.8.6
@jakesully123456 Players must to do /backpack upgrade then it will be size 36
I give a player backpack.use and backpack.size.36 but when they do /backpack they get 9 slot every time.
Are you able as an admin or if given a specific perm, check players back packs?
This being used if someone claims that another user stole something, etc, then a staff member can check and even edit (take items out of their back packs).
I've just tested this for Spigot 1.8.1. The following features seem to be working: - The backpack opens and closes, the contents are successfully stored between player logins and server restarts. (Can't speak as to what happens with server crashes or other circumstances). - Backpack.keepitems works.
What about Spigot?
Also could you add UUID support?
They drop on the ground.
Yes the items are dropped on the floor.
Is there any chance that you could add a command allowing admins to open other players backpacks. This would be a useful feature to help server administrators keep an eye on their players. A command similar to essentials /invsee.
One of my players reported that he placed some dirt in his backpack, then when he relogged the dirt was gone but the items that were there earlier had not been wiped. He took the remaining items out, then upon opening the backpack again it reverted from 27 slots to 9 slots.
Is anyone else experiencing issues like this?
Hello. One question, what happens when you die and the backpack.keepitems permission is not enabled? Are the items in the backpack dropped in the floor as usual? Or does they just disappear?
Update for 1.7 really isn't needed as this still works.
Backpack 2.0 will be written specifically for Forge / Sponge setup.
Backpack (b148) worked well on 1.7.10, and still seems to work with Spigot 1.8.1 servers too (fingers crossed). Excellent durable code, chaps. Nice work.
Any update for 1.7.10?
any update plan for cb1.7.9-r0.2 ?
I have setup all the permissions. But when the player executes /backpack it says 'You dont have permission' I know i set it all up correctly
For "share.yml" do I have to put each world in individually, or can I put the name with an astrisk for worlds that share the sequence?
For example: tardis_world_username1 tardis_world_username2
Or could I just use: tardis_world_*
You could try simpleBackpacks ( I am OK with it. It is working...
Update plz! We need them backpacks :B