Configuration (1.6-SNAPSHOT - 2.1)

In versions 1.6-SNAPSHOTS to 2.1 you can change configuration.

File location: plugins/173generator/worldname/worldname.yml

Creating config file: Create new world, then configure it and delete world files to regenerate terrain (or copy other world configuration)

Avaible configuration options and default values:

  canyons: false # generate canyons if true
  strongholds: false # generate strongholds if true
  villages: false # generate villages if true
  temples: false # generate temples (pyramids) if true
  mineshafts: false # generate mineshafts if true
  newCaves: false # true: use new cave generator, false: use beta 1.7 cave generator
  newClayGenerator: false # true : use new clay generator (does NOT generate more clay), false: use old clay generator
  newLakeGenerator: false # use new lake generator if true
  newDungeonGenerator: false # use new dungeon generator if true (new items in chests)
    emeralds: false # generate emerands if true (emeralds are generated in every biome)
  oldTreeGrowing: true # use beta 1.7 tree generator for growing trees
  eyeOfEnderMsg: "You can't use Eye of Ender in this world!" # Message shown to player when trying to use Eye of Ender if strongholds are disabled


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