
AutoShutdown: Automatically Shutdown/Stop your server at a set time every day.
Version: v2.4

This plugin is designed to allow you to simply set a time to have the server shut down at the same time every day, without any manual intervention, and provide users ample warning before it does so.

You should use a script to automatically restart the server when it stops. In that script, you could perform any backups or other maintenance you'd like to perform.

I use this plugin to keep a server healthy for longer than a few days by pre-emptively restarting it before it can get sick.

Example restart script in the forum thread.


  • Time can be set persistently in the configuration file.
  • Multiple times can be specified.
  • Shutdown time can be set temporarily via commands
  • You can cancel the running shutdown.
  • You can view the current scheduled shutdown time.
  • You can gracefully stop the server with a configurable grace time.
  • The warning message times are configurable.
  • All connected users can be kicked from the server before the shutdown.

Download AutoShutdown 2.4 JAR (for 1.4.2 craftbukkit prerelease)
Source Code


  • SuperPerms compatible permissions plugin. Currently won't limit access to commands without some kind of permissions support.


  1. Drop the AutoShutdown.jar file into your plugins directory. At first start, the configuration file is created.
  2. Edit the config.yml file created in plugins/AutoShutdown/ and change the settings to what you would prefer.
  3. Either reload the server for the changes to take effect, or use /as reload from within the game. Also, all commands work from the console without the slash.


From all previous versions to 2.2: file is no longer read. Use the config.yml. I'm not a fan of YAML, but its the standard, and as much as I disagree with bukkit's choice of YAML for configuration files, I have to live with it.

An uncommented config.yml file will be created on first start. Start the server, make changes, then do an /as reload. Or just use /as set HH:MM to set the shutdown times you want.

Configuration Options

  • shutdowntimes - the time in HH:MM format to stop the server. You can specify multiple, times, separated by comma.
  • kickreason - the reason to provide users when they are kicked.
  • kickonshutdown - kick users before shutting the server down. (Better than an end of stream error)
  • warntimes - seconds before the shutdown time you would like a warning message broadcast to all users, separated by comma.
  • gracetime - seconds to wait before shutting the server down in response to an /as now

Permissions Nodes

  • autoshutdown.admin - Access to all autoshutdown commands.


  • /as help - displays in-game help
  • /as reload - reload the configuration file (replacing any shutdown you have scheduled currently in memory)
  • /as cancel - cancel the currently scheduled shutdown
  • /as set HH:MM - set the schedule to a new time. Writes to config.yml to persist the setting.
  • /as set now - set the shutdown schedule to shut down within 60 seconds
  • /as list - lists what the currently configured shutdown times are


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 26, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Oct 30, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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