Auto Restarter
Auto Restarter Allows you to turn your server off after any amount of minutes you want.
- Turn on / off server restarter without uninstalling plugin
- Set how long you want your server to run before shutting off
- You can turn off world saving when the server starts with config
==== Notes
The plugin turns the server off after the amount of minutes that you set in the config, but you must change your LAUNCH / START.BAT file. Here is the Start.bat file you should use if you want the server to turn on after it shuts down (When using this .bat file you will need to press the X button to close the console your server is running in, to stop the server. The "stop" command will restart the server):
@ECHO OFF :1 SET BINDIR=%~dp0 CD /D "%BINDIR%" "%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar GOTO 1 PAUSE
is there a download link anywhere? this sounds really useful!
That would be great! :-D
not at the moment, but I could easily implement this in the next release?
is there a way to display a message when the server is restarting?