AuthMe - 3.4
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UploadedJun 13, 2014
Size1.03 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.2-R0.3
Changes 3.4:
- Latest build before AuthMe 4.0
- Latest build to support Minecraft 1.7.5,1.7.2,1.6.4 and lowers versions, AuthMe 4.0 will only support Minecraft 1.7.9+ ( UUID )
- Rewrite some part of cache to support metadatas
- Rewrite Converters
- Fix english typo
- Fix captcha not working in some cases
- Add WBB4 hash
- Add CrazyCrypt1 hash to support CrazyLogin imports
- Add a way to handle teleportations from AuthMe
- Some other optimization and reworks
Before update to this version make sure to do a backup of all files, database and accounts.