AuthMe - 3.1
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UploadedNov 20, 2013
Size1,021.08 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.6.4-R2.0
Changes 3.1:
- Add Email support for File system
- Add a country selector ( allow access to your server for only some country , like United State only , GB only , or both of some countries (US, GB, FR , DE, etc...)
- Fix the survival forcing method ( and the bypass perm )
- Add a simple antibot system based on AuthMe already registered players
- Some BungeeCord hooks reworks
- Some others fixes
- New command : /authme switchantibot on/off - Permission: authme.admin.switchantibot
- New fields in config.yml :
Protection: # Enable some servers protection ( country based login, antibot ) enableProtection: false # Countries allowed to join the server and register, see for countries' codes countries: - US - GB # Do we need to enable automatic antibot system? enableAntiBot: false # Max number of player allowed to login in 5 secs before enable AntiBot system automatically antiBotSensibility: 5 # Duration in minutes of the antibot automatic system antiBotDuration: 10
Before update to this version make sure to do a backup of all files, database and accounts.