AuthMe - 2.6.8b6
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UploadedDec 6, 2012
Size139.80 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.5-R0.2
Changes 2.6.8b6:
- Now store actual logging players in players.yml
- Add support for bukkit command /reload : you don't need to re-login after a reload !
- Add support for PluginManagers like Reloader
- Add a little part of an API
Changes 2.6.8b5:
- Fix an Exception on disable when Citizens is disable before AuthMe
Changes 2.6.8b4
- Update to 2.6.8b4 version
- Add a command : /authme convertflattosql
- Permission node : authme.admin.convertflattosql
- This command try to convert the FlatFile auths.db to an usefull authme.sql that you can use on a MySQL database !
- Compile with CraftBukkit 1.4.5R0.2
- Debug allowChat function
- Convert PlayerChatEvent to AsyncPlayerChatEvent
Changes 2.6.6b5:
- add +2 blocks to Y coords on teleport
- remove old check that dont solve suffocation problem
- add preload chunk to all teleport options
- add mysql check before login if Mysql server is unavaible
- add passpartu feature : admin can login without password with all player name.
- enable passpartu option in config.yml
- type console command: authme passpartuToken
- u will see a message in cosole output about a random token
- log into the server with player name to inspect and type /passpartu token ( token is the random word displayed in console ;) )
- thats all u are able to login with that player
- consider that u have 30s for type token with minecraft command, after that u have to generate new token from console!
- this features is still in testing for possible exploit or bugs.
Changes 2.6.6b4:
- fix join error on new player
- fix some lost of position
- pre-load chunk on teleport when player joins
Changes 2.6.6b3:
- another time avoid some lost of cache
- fix restricted players check and config options ( be sure that u can be kicked out otherwise this checks will fail)
- fix some errors in prev dev version
- fix some session error
- Compiled under new Bukkit version 1.2.5-R4.0
- as usual clean up the code
Changes 2.6.6b2:
- now really fix double registration on same ip
- add new CitizensApi for Citizens 2.0 (Still works with Citizens1.2)
- delete player cache if player is unregistered
- add new way for handler player invetory loss on first registration
- cleanup the code
Changes 2.6.6b1:
- fixed spout login gui that cannot be really disabled
- fixed heath regeneration when unlogged in
- fixed some teleport usses near portal when unlogged
- fixed unregistration and registration dupe bug
- fixed bug where 2 account are able to regiser on same ip.
- attempt to fix lost of items on /registration and second login (need more test and feedback )
- initial strutcture for log-system and inventory serialize
- clean up the code
Before update to this version make sure to do a backup of all files, database and accounts.
if u want your language style u have just to renamen it as messages_en.yml and set in config.yml messageLanguage: en to load it.
if your players can chat even if allowChat: false , take some minuts and try to configure unLoggedInGroup ( check the how to wiki ) with none permissions this will solve all major secrity problem.