
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Atomic Radio


Does your minecraft server have a radio stream but you're having trouble promoting it to your players?

For months I was manually typing out broadcasts to say which song was playing, which DJ was on, the listen URL, etc.

I've come across other plugins that can show the status of a ShoutCast stream but none of them really fit, so I've decided to write one myself.

NOTE: This plugin is in the early stages of development. Don't expect a published plugin just yet.


/radio - Checks the status URL for the radio station (defined in the config) and tells you if it is online, how many listeners are connected, what
song is playing and the listen URL (defined in the config).
/radio bc/broadcast - Broadcasts the currently playing song, which DJ is playing and the listen URL (can only be used by the current DJ and/or Admins when the stream is live)
/radio dj - Returns the current DJ (if any).
/radio dj on - Assigns the user issuing the command DJ status. Cannot be used if there is a DJ currently.
/radio dj off - Removes that user's DJ status. (Forcefully if admin)

Config Options

-Listen URL (Usually http://server:port/listen?sid=streamnumber)
-Status URL (Usually http://server:port/stats?sid=streamnumber)
-DJ Prefix (i.e. "DJ")
-Message Prefix (i.e. "AtomicRadio")

Permission nodes

atomicradio.status - Allows use of /radio and /radio dj
atomicradio.use - Allows use of /radio dj on, /radio dj off and /radio bc/broadcast
atomicradio.admin - Allows use of /radio dj off and /radio bc/broadcast when not the DJ

Roadmap for 1.0

/radio reload command for reloading configuration on-the-fly
/radio request command for taking requests while on-air
DisplayName instead of Name for the DJ on-air

Preview of output



Copy AtomicRadio.jar to your Plugins folder, start and stop server (it will create a default config), edit config to your liking and then start server.


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