

Artillery is a PvP mini game inspired by Scorched Earth. The plugin lets players fire explosive shells up to thousands of blocks away. Shells are unguided and unpowered, so they follow a ballistic trajectory. In other words, the actual impact point is determined by the azimuth (horizontal angle), vertical angle and velocity of the shell fired.

When a shell lands next to a player, the distance between the impact and the player position will be shown, so the shooter can correct the trajectory and pinpoint the target in a few attempts. The target, who can hear or see the explosions, can choose to run away, hide or fire back.

Shooting and tracking players

The fire mechanism involves:

  • standing on a launch platform
  • looking at a position in the sky
  • left clicking with a TNT block.

The viewing angle of the player will determine the horizontal and vertical angles. Power/velocity is determined by the size of the launch platform. The TNT block will represent the shell, so it is consumed when fired.

A player preparing to fire a shell

How to build a launch platform

A launch platform is a horizontal, cross-shaped structure made with one obsidian block and gold blocks. The size of the launch platform is the length of the golden arms. The greater the size, the higher the velocity of the shell. A launch platform of size 6 (requires 24 gold blocks) will fire shells about 3,000 blocks away (using vertical angle of about 45 degrees).

The launch platform must not be completely underground. specifically, the center obsidian block must be exposed to the sky.

Launch platforms


A shell will only create a real explosion if there is a nearby player, which is in fact keeping the chunk loaded. Firing to random, ungenerated or unloaded areas of the world will not create explosions but will simulate the trajectory and display the impact position.

An explosion caused by an artillery shell is about 50% more powerful than a single TNT.



There is only one command: /artillery which prints the version of the plugin.


  • artillery.admincmd - Lets you use the Artillery plugin admin command (ops only by default)
  • - Lets you fire artillery (TNT) shells (true by default)
  • artillery.undetectable - Will not report your position when fired upon (false by default)


You may change the following settings in config.yml:

gravity: 10.0
minimum-firing-angle: 20.0
max-detection-range: 200.0
velocity-per-block: 30.0
launch-platform-base-block: OBSIDIAN
launch-platform-arm-block: GOLD_BLOCK
maximum-arm-length: 6
minimum-arm-length: 1
cooldown: 1000


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 30, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Feb 6, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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