
ArrowPro creates many new types of arrows to be used. It also supports the ability to level up an arrow skill and both unlock new arrows and improve your speed, and damage of arrows. Also with the use of MobStats, the arrows can be put in the hands of skeletons and stronger mobs will produce more arrow experience.

To setup the plugin place the .jar file in your plugin folder, start the server, edit the config to your liking, and reload the sever. You are ready to start shooting arrows.

If you have any ideas for new arrows, comment bellow and I will try my best to make it happen. Also tell me of any bugs or feature requests.


  • Many special arrows.
  • Levels for archery.
  • Choose the level and the explosive power (if it explodes) of every arrow.
  • Configurable speed, damage, duration, and amplification based on levels using equations.
  • Make recipes to craft each bow, and each arrow.


  • Normal Arrow (Arrow): Works identically to the vanilla minecraft arrow.
  • Blind Arrow: Applies the blind effect on the entity that it hits.
  • Confusion Arrow: Applies the confusion effect on the entity that it hits.
  • Creeper Arrow: Spawns a Creeper where it hits.
  • Explosive Lightning Arrow: Strikes lightning and explodes where it hits.
  • Fiery Explosive Lightning Arrow: Strikes lightning and makes a fiery explosion where it hits.
  • Fiery TNT Arrow: Makes a fiery explosion where it hits.
  • Fire Arrow: It is an arrow that catches fire.
  • Ice Arrow: Freezes water, and lays down snow where it hits.
  • Iron Golem Arrow: Spawns an Iron Golem where it hits.
  • Lava Arrow: Places lava where it hits.
  • Lightning Arrow: Strikes lightning where it hits.
  • Poison Arrow: Applies the poison effect on the entity it hits.
  • Redstone Torch Arrow: Places a redstone torch where it hits.
  • Skeleton Arrow: Spawns a skeleton where it hits.
  • Slow Arrow: Applies the slowness effect on the entity it hits.
  • Snowman Arrow: Spawns a snowman where it lands.
  • TNT Arrow: Explodes where it hits.
  • TP Arrow: Teleports the shooter to where the arrow lands.
  • Torch Arrow: Places a torch where it lands.
  • Tree Arrow: Generates a tree of a random type where it lands.
  • Triple Arrow: Shoots three arrows at once.
  • Water Arrow: Places Water where it lands
  • Weakness Arrow: Applies the weakness effect on the entity that it hits.
  • Zombie Arrow: Spawns a Zombie where it lands.

Crafting Arrows

  • Arrows and bows must be crafted.
  • The recipe can be found in the arrows description. (see Commands)
  • The recipe is configurable. (see Config)
  • To shoot an arrow, you need a bow of that type.

There is a bug where when an arrow is shot, if the first slot with arrows in it, isn't the right type, it will still subtract an arrow from there and from the first slot with the right type. The arrow in the slot with the wrong type is not gone though, the number displayed has changed, but the actual number is the same. Forcing the game to grab information from that slot (e.g. moving the arrows out of that slot, or dropping an arrow from that slot) will cause the number to return to normal. This is a minecraft problem.


Commands are typed by typing /ap [command] <args>

  • /ap (nothing after) or arrows: List all arrows that are enabled.
  • /ap [some arrow]: Gives a description of the arrow.
  • /ap [some arrow] legend [bow/arrow]: Explains what each character in the recipe means.
  • /ap me: Tells the player their level, their experience and their current arrow.
  • /ap give [some arrow] [amount] [data]: Gives an arrow or a bow of the given type. Use the abbreviation, or the name separated by underscores for arrows, and add _bow to the end for bows.
  • /ap help: Explains the commands.


For permissions, type arrowpro. and then the abbreviation for the arrow as used in a command.

'arrowpro.give': Permission for the /ap give command.


Experience: Has all the ways of giving players experience. There is Entity and Player and each one contains Hit (when the arrow hits the entity) and Kill (when the arrow kills the entity). For Entity, kill may be changed to Kill Equation to make an equation using a mobs level for the x value (requires MobStats).

Player Levels: This is an equation that will determine, using the player's level, how much experience is needed to level up. The level used is the current level and not the next one.

Arrows: Each arrow has its own section. In this section, the minimum level, and the power may be set in the appropriate section. Crafting recipes are set in each bow's section (see Recipes). All bows have a Speed and Damage equation and arrows that apply effects (Blind, Confusion, Poison, Slow, and Weakness), also have Duration and Amplification (Strength). Excluding an arrow from the config will disable it. A complete list and description of arrows can be found in the info.yml file.

Recipes: Each arrow has two types of recipes, Bow Recipe, and Recipe. They are configured the same way except Bow Recipe, makes a bow, and Recipe, makes an arrow, and can have the amount of arrows created be configured. To configure the amount of arrows each time they are crafted, in the Amount section of Recipe type the amount.

Shape: The Shape sections sets what shape the recipe will take. There are 3 rows to fill called Row 1, Row 2, and Row 3 from top to bottom. Inside double quotation marks (") type three characters in each row. Each character represents one material, putting in an empty space will mean to leave that space empty when crafting.

Ingredients: Type each character used in the shape with a colon after it, then put the id of the item that should go where each character belongs.

Equations: There are many equations that can be used in the plugin to determine values. Each place has been described above but here is how to make them. There are six types that can be used and they are:

  • Quadratic: Values are a, b, c to be filled in the equation ax^2 + bx + c. Setting a to 0 makes a linear equation, c is the value when x is 0.
  • QWD: A Quadratic but the values for a, b, and c can have a d put next to them to multiply that value by the default value of what is being calculated.
  • QMD: A Quadratic that gets multiplied by the default value of what is being calculated after it has been calculated. Setup the same as a regular quadratic.
  • Exponential: Values ar a, b, c, d, f which are to be filled into a(b^(c(x - d))) + f.
  • EWD: The same as a QWD but using an exponential equation instead.
  • EMD: The same as a QMD but using an exponential equation instead.

Put the type in the "type" section of the equation and then for each letter, make its section and assign a value.

All equations can have an upper limit and a lower limit called max and min respectively. These may be excluded to have none. Entity Kill, Player Levels, Duration, and Amplification should not be QMD, QWD, EWD, or EMD since they have no default.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 17, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 14, 2013
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  • License



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