A Paintball plugin where players can queue and will join a free paintball arena to fight it out with highly damaging snowballs. You can make more than one paintball arena and players will cycle through them. If all arenas are in use, the players are kept in the queue and will join when one opens up.
- Put the ArenaPaintball.jar in your plugins folder, along with BattleArena.jar
Making a paintball arena
- /pb create <paintball arena name>
- /pb alter <paintball arena name> 2 <- setup a second spawn, you can keep adding them if you want more than 2, like /pb alter <paintball arena name> 3
- /pb join
Permission Node
- Players will need the permission node arena.join.paintball
- BattleArena, Paintball is built around the BattleArena API.
- Optional BattleTracker : If you want /pb top, or player ratings
- BattleArena wiki: The majority of paintball options are set using BattleArena
- Adding Signs : support for joining/leaving and status
- IRC: You can ask me questions in real time on irc when I'm on. IRC through a browser
Hey! I remove the giveitems, i think the players lose their items when they leave the paintball. Do you know how to fix that please ? :)
EDIT: I don't have plugins who modify the inventory by any way or multiworld
Those configs look correct to me, though you can take out "giveItems" from winner and losers since there is no item list below. Before I ask questions, there is a system in place for restoring lost items. Restoring inventory.
Are there any errors on console? Did the players leave and come back or do something strange during the event? Also do you have any plugins that save/restore inventory (multiinv, multiverse-inventories, multiverse, some others?
I take inventory issues seriously and haven't heard of one in a long time :( let me know because I would like to find the problem quick!
Hi, My players loose their stuff sometines after a epaintball (didn't test paintball) There are my configs files if you find something (I use the latest version): paintballconfig.yml: epaintballconfig.yml! arenas.yml: Thes others arenas work great but there is the config file: config.yml:
Do you know where is frome the bug ? Thanks :)
Nice! Much appreciated. If they are that young you might also want to know that you can set up signs to have people join.
just make a sign with
works for pb, spleef, arena, etc.
Thanks again. I'm a mid-40's computer professional who runs a private server for 30 kids aged 8-12, and they love the Spleef, PVP and Paintball arenas I've made for them featuring your plugins. Your work makes a lot of children very happy.
So damage: 20 is the amount of damage a snow_ball does. so if you want players to take 3 hits, make it 7. that will take about a 1/3 of their life on each hit.
Thank you for your reply. However, I'm a little confused. When you set Damage to 20, is that damage the player can take or damage the player dishes out? If I want each player to have 3 hits total before death, do I increase or decrease this Damage constant?
Yeah there is. If you don't want to do this get the latest Version that is up on my github.
Otherwise, create a file called ArenaPaintball/config.yml
inside of that put a single line.
change damage to whatever you want.
Or you can download,
it will auto create the config.yml for you.
Is there a way to modify the play so that a player can take more than one hit before losing? I've checked the configs in both the BattleArena and ArenaPaintball folders and can't find it if it's there.
It was supposed to be done last week, but I got sidetracked with some bugs and school :(
So yeah, it should be done relatively soon :)
Ok thanks. It's just that different amounts of people join the game each time. I don't have a very busy server so there isn't usually anyone queued. Could this be added to future versions?
Right now you can't specify the number of lives someone has(yet), but you can always go inside the ArenaPaintball/PaintballConfig.yml and change the default damage of the snow balls.
The game is limited by how many spawn points, but instead by however many teams you have set. so if you change it to be nTeams: 4+, then it should allow 4 or more players. So maybe you want nTeams: 4-8
Usually how this works is if 4 people join, they start the match. But say 6 people join the queue while they are playing, then the next match will have 6 people.
Awesome, that worked thanks.
A couple more questions.
Is it possible to add more lives? So 3 hits and you're out or something. Also, if I set 8 spawn points. Is it possible to manually start the game when say only 4 people have joined? Maybe /pb start or something.
it doesn't affect your issue Raff, I will need some time for that one. Which means after tuesday since I don't have time right now :(
alkarin this fix my issue?
Actually no where in the code do I use the word "Gold". I base it off of 2 things, what is supplied in the BattleArena/config.yml ( look for the section moneyName: ), or if you have Vault installed and the economy has a currencyName() function it will use that.
So if you change it in the config.yml you should be good!
edit: so I just checked and I accidentally base it off the config after Vault loads, so you'll need to change it in the config.yml, just fixed right now in BattleArena_v3.7.4.8+ which I'll release later
Can you please make it so that it fetches the name of the currency and uses that for messages or add locale for the messages with money in them? Right now it says the player won x Gold when they win.
ty for your soon reply!
These are my pastebin and my ip is:
Thank you so much.
edit: i've deleted and re-created the arena: try to solve
Players leaving in the queue is handled, as well as in the match. Could you pastebin me your PaintballConfig.yml, and ArenaPaintball/arenas.yml. I should be able to see what's going on from there, otherwise give me your ip.
what about players logout during a game? :\ And is it possible that paintball goes in timeout? There is no player playing and tell that "join in queue, when it's free u'll join"
Or tell me "your position:3" but no one is playing...maybe some logout in queue? dunno but doesn't start