
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Warning: This project is experimental. Its files will not synchronize across the CurseForge network.

This plugin is developed by JucklettsGerollt.

Basic description

If you have BungeeCord installed on you server, you had to turn off the online-mode. This plugin only allows people, coming trough the proxy to join the server. If they connect directly to the server, they will be kicked. You don't longer have to worry about cracked players on you server.


You only have to drag & drop the AntiBungeeHole.jar in your /plugins folder and run the server!


The standard config.yml will be created automatically. It should be look like this:

# This plugin was developed by JucklettsGerollt.
# Dieses Plugin wurde von JucklettsGerollt programmiert.

  # Here you have to specify the IP of your proxy without port. 
  # Hier musst du die IP deiner Proxy ohne Port angeben. 
  # Here you can change the kick message, if a player doesn't join through the proxy.
  # Hier kannst du die Nachricht bearbeiten, die kommen soll, wenn einer Spieler nicht mittels der Proxy joint.
  playerKickMessage: '&cYou have to join through the proxy.'

There are comments in the configuration wich should explain everything.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 27, 2019
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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