
This is the default config.

# AntiBuild version 2.9.2

# Define your custom message to be displayed when a player tries to interact and is denied permission.
# Standard CraftBukkit color codes are supported. Use "&" plus the color identifier. Red would be "&c". 
# You must start and end the message with the ' symbol or you will break your config.
# If you do not want a message to be sent to the player you must put '' for the message.

Message-Build: '&cYou are not allowed to build!'
Message-Break: '&cYou are not allowed to break blocks!'
Message-Bucket: '&cYou are not allowed to use this bucket!'
Message-Chest: '&cYou are not allowed to access chests!'
Message-Interact: '&cYou are not allowed to interact with this!'
Message-Drop-Items: '&cYou are not allowed to drop items!'
Message-Blacklist: '&cYou are not allowed to perform that action with this block!'
Message-Locked-World: '&cThis world is currently locked and cannot be built in.'

# Per block break/place permissions.  Set to true to enable.
# Use this to allow a player to only place or break certain blocks.
# You must ensure they do not have antibuild.bypass or they will still bypass this check.
# Example: antibuild.break.1 would allow a player to only break stone and no other blocks.

Per-Block-Permission: false

# Blacklisted items are not allowed to be placed or broken unless the player is given permission node
# antibuild.blacklist.break or
# Make sure to follow the format and don't use tabs or you will get an error.
# Currently only supports item IDs.  This is done for the gain of a faster check against the blacklist.

Blacklist-On: false
  - 7
  - 7


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