AntiBot v4.0.4


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  • Uploaded
    Feb 25, 2013
  • Size
    206.56 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.7-R1.0


This update simply fixes 2 bugs that I found, a new configuration option, and one important change to AntiBot API.

  • AntiBot API has moved to the new namespace change (now com.superspytx.ab.api.AntiBotAPI). The old AntiBot API location remains, but it is deprecated and is 100% recommended to switch to the new namespace.
  • Fixed a bug where CAPTCHA would distribute the player's old message after solving the CAPTCHA puzzle. The message would not have any prefix information.
  • Fixed a bug where players with antibot.voice would not be able to speak while server chat is muted. This defeated the purpose of the permission node in question.
  • Added a special configuration option to disable AntiBot's bot protection (or connection throttler). This is for people who only use AntiBot exclusively for CountryBans.

There could be times where the plugin may not help you in a spam attack.

The bot kick handling might kick innocents if AntiBot gets triggered as soon as the innocent player joins, or is the last player that triggers AntiBot.