
Aren't you sick of your amazing spawn builds and awesome warps always get destroyed by hackers and griefers?


Anti-Grief stops the TNT from exploding when it is set alight, ensuring your builds' safety from TNT explosions. This plugin only clears TNT explosions so Creepers can still explode and destroy your builds, however, that is easily fixed by typing /gamerule mobGriefing false.

This is a very lightweight plugin and therefore will hardly take up any server memory. It is only about 4 KB, and there are 1000 KB in 1 MB and average servers have up to 500-1500 MB! The main usage of this plugin is to stop your builds getting destroyed by your friend's 'jokes' and those heartless griefers. I do plan to update this plugin and it already is at version 2.0.

The plugin comes into use when a player sets off TNT and the TNT explodes. The TNT still explodes, except the explosion will not break any blocks or effect the terrain in anyway (except the TNT removing from the world as it explodes) .


/agon - Toggles Anti-Grief on

/agoff - Toggles Anti-Grief off


antigrief.on - Needed to do /agon - Needed to do /agoff

antigrief.lava - Needed to place lava


v1.0 - Plugin Released!

v1.1 - Name changed to Anti-Grief, stops lava placement as well as TNT not exploding!

v2.0 - Added commands and permissions, removed lava placement feature!

v2.1 - Updated to 1.7.9!

v2.2 - Fixed lava placement feature!

v2.3 - Fixed bug that disallowed players placing water as well as lava!

SERVERS THAT USE THIS PLUGIN: (PM me for your server to be put in the following list, it is free)!

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 20, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jul 7, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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