Anti BlockPhysicsEvent

Anti BlockPhysicsEvent

The reason why I made this plugin was because I've had some rather inexperienced Worldeditors on my server leading into them corrupting the server's world by making a big selection of let's say flowers

Basically, as some people might have tried.. WorldEdit'ing with Flowers, Mushrooms, Pressure plates etc.. and crashing the server, and every time someone loads the chunk that those blocks are in the server crashes again.. WELL!! basically I just made a plugin to fix that =)

Features (Just let me know if you want more features)

  • Blocks the event 'BlockPhysicsEvent' for the following blocks:

- Yellow Flower

- Rose

- Cactus

- Brown Mushroom

- Red Mushroom

- Stone Pressure Plate

- Wood Pressure Plate

- Snow

- Cocoa Beans

- Tall Grass

- Ladder

- Sign

- Sapling

- Plate

- Torch

- Vine

- Lily Pad

- Sugar Cane

- Rail

- Powered Rail

- Detector Rail

- Wheat

- Crops

- Carrot

- Potato

- Bed

- Cake

- Dead Bush

- Melon Stem

- Pumpkin

- Tripwire

- Nether Wart

( Hope it worked =) )


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 29, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Dec 1, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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