

Default Config.yml

Update-Automatically: true
Kick Mode: true
Broadcast Mode: true
Broadcast Message: '&c[Advertise-Blocker] &9Console &ehas kicked &9%player% &efor advertising.'
Replacer Mode: false
Replaced Message: I LOVE this server!
Spam Delay: 2
Allowed Players: ' '
Allowed: ' '

Update-Automatically: <true/false>
If kick mode is set to true the plugin will update automatically.

Kick Mode: <true/false>
If kick mode is set to true it will kick the player who advertises message.

Broadcast Mode: <true/false>
If broadcast mode is set to true it will broadcast that a player was kicked for advertising.

Broadcast Message: '<message>'
Is the message that gets broadcasts if a player was kicked for advertising (Broadcast Mode and Kick Mode must be both set to true) .

Replacer Mode: <true/false>
Is replacer mode is true it will replace the advertised message with the replaced message.

Replaced Message: <message>
If replacer mode is set to true this is the message that will be sent instead of the advertisement.

Spam Delay: <integer>
The delay between messages being sent.

Allowed Players: '<player name>'
All the players names who don't have the advertise.admin permission node, but can still advertise.

Allowed: '<URL>'
All the URL's players are allowed to send via chat that won't get blocked.


Default Log.yml

Logged Advertisements: ''

The Log.yml file stores all the information on the players who have advertise on your server. This file holds the time it occurred, players name, and the message they said, for example:

7/5/14 | MCCoding |

In the fist part of the log above, 12/12/14 was the date that the message was sent, MCCoding is the player who sent the message and was the link they tried to advertise.


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