
Hello everyone! On this page I will be showing and explaining all of the placeholders in this plugin.

Played-Based(These require ProtocolLib to work!):
- %name%
- * Shows the player's name

- %uuid%
- * Shows the player's uuid

- %ping%
- * Shows the player's ping

- %money%
- * Shows the player's money, requires Vault

- %points%
- * Shows the player's points(from plugin PlayerPoints). Requires PlayerPoints

- %unicode:<unicodeid>%
- * Shows a unicode character that belongs to the unicode id

- %ping-online/<serverip>:<serverport>%
- * Pings to a server to get the online players(can cause lag, if using BungeeCord use bungee-online)

- %ping-max/<serverip>:<serverport>%
- * Pings to a server to get the online players(can also cause lag, unfortunately bungeecord does not support getting max players,
- * but i don't think you need to ping to a server to get their max players, unless the max count changes which rarely occurs)

- %bungee-online/<servername>%
- * Gets the online players of a bungee server, the name is as how you specify it in the bungeecord config.

- %mv-online/<worldname>%
- * Gets the amount of players in a multiverse world, requires multiverse-core of course.

- %mv-max/<worldname>%
- * Gets the max player limit of a multiverse, also requires multiverse-core

- %region/<worldname>,<regionname>%
- * Gets the amount of players in a WorldGuard region in the world specified with <worldname>. Requires WorldGuard


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