
  # Should the plugin be disabled if online mode is on?
  disable_if_online_mode: false
  # Require a login to play?
  require: true
    enabled: false
    permission: "amkauth.requirelogin"
  # Should a player that is already online and logged in be kicked if another player attempts to join as him?
  kick_if_already_online: false
  # Should a player that types in a wrong password immediately be kicked?
kick_on_password_fail: false
# Allow chat from players NOT logged in?
allowed: false
# If chat.allowed is true, prefix all messages from players not logged in with the following
prefix: "[NLI] "
# Allow commands from players NOT logged in?
allowed: false
# Commands to be allowed if commands.allowed is false. Useful for on-join commands.
# Aliases can be used unless the command has an argument.
# In the default values, "!" will work for "unstuck," but
# "we cui" will not work for "worldedit cui."
- "!"
- "we cui"
# Allow looking around (only changing vision, not walking)
look_around: true
# Allow walking around (includes changing vision)?
walk: false
# if 'walk' is set to false (no movement), what is the maximum time to Allow walking around
# before players location is reset (could be a NoCheatPlus Bug workaround)?
# time in miliseconds (seconds*1000). Set to zero (0) ignores this setting (this is default).
allowmovetime: 0

# Should players that have yet to login have godmode?
enabled: true
# Enable god mode after the player logs in?
enabled: true
# Length in seconds
length: 10.0

# Set players that are not logged in to invisible mode?
invisible_mode: false
# Set players that are not logged in to adventure mode?
adventure_mode: false
# Teleport players to spawn?
teleport_to_spawn: false
# If teleport_to_spawn: true
# Spawn in special world (Default="": use default server spawn setting)
teleportToSpawnWorld: ""
# useSpawnAtLocation to Spawn at specific Location XYZ coordinates (default=false: use default server spawn setting)
useSpawnAtLocation: false
# if useSpawnAtLocation=true: Spawn at this XYZ coordinates location (must be a valid spawn point/block, otherwise horror??)
spawnAtLocationX: 0
spawnAtLocationY: 66
spawnAtLocationZ: 0

# Remind players to login/register if they have not?
enabled: true
# Interval (in seconds) to remind players to login/register
interval: 10.0
# Kick players that take too long to log in?
enabled: false
# How long to wait for a player to login before kicking them in seconds
wait: 30.0

# Login sessions. If you log out and log back in, you will not be prompted for a
# password again if these are configured.
# Enabled login sessions?
enabled: true
# Length in minutes for a session to last. A session starts at player quit.
length: 15.0
# Check the IP of the player logging in again to make sure it matches? This should probably be true.
check_ip: true
# Register/Login/ChangePassword using Command (shows up in Logs) or using hidden Chat messages.
# This controls what helpmessage is shown to User when help is needed.
# Possible Values: "Commands" or "HiddenChat". Default is "Commands".
LoginCommandsMessage: Commands

# It is possible to the $P as a placeholder for the playername in the console command.
# The command usage and format has to follow the command documentation or rules, see tellraw as an axample:
## - tellraw $P ["",{"text":"Amk","color":"aqua"},{"text":"McAuth","color":"green"},{"text":"!","color":"red"}]
# You can delay the command execution several ticks by starting the command with this special parameter: 'AmkWait(DelayTicks)'
# This AmkWait(DelayTicks) parameter will removced from the Commando string before execution of the command.
# where 'DelayTicks' is the number of game-ticks the command has to wait before it is executed, see tellraw as an axample:
## - AmkWait(100) tellraw $P ["",{"text":"Amk","color":"aqua"},{"text":"McAuth","color":"green"},{"text":"!","color":"red"}]
# will issue the command 5 seconds (20 ticks = 1 second) after the event occurs.

#OnJoin, If a player connects to the server (Join Event)
- ""
#OnRgstr, After the player is connected and has to register his (new) playername.
- ""
#OnGrace, After the player is connected and was LoggedIn before: Grace-Login)
- ""
#OnLogin, If a player loggs in using "/login" command
- ""
#OnLogof, If a player loggs off using "/logoff" command
- ""
#OnExit, If a player disconnects from the server (Leave Event)
- ""

# Verify if the username is a valid Minecraft username?
verify: true
# Regular expression to check usernames against. If you don't know regular expressions, don't tinker with this.
regex: "[\\w]{2,16}"

# Encryption type to use on passwords. Can be any Java type or AMKAUTH, which is SHA-512 rehashed 25 times.
hash_type: "AMKAUTH"
# Passwords to reject on registration and warn about on login. Case-insensitive
- "password"
- "[password]"

# Userdata saving options
# How often (in minutes) to save the player userdata to the disk. Userdata will be stored locally
# and accessed locally, but it must be saved to persist. The data will be saved when the plugin is
# disabled, as well (like a server stop/restart). This cannot be set to lower than 1.
interval: 5.0
# Should the plugin check for old userdata on startup? This will convert any usernames into UUIDs.
# This should be true at least for the first run on the UUID system.
check_old_userdata: true

# Every time a player Joins your server, AmkMcAuth checks to see if the player profiledata
# already has been loaded into memory. If not, it loads it from File.
# How long (in days) should AmkMcAuth keep player profiledata of inactive players in internal memory?
# If the last login time of a player is older then remove_inactive_after DAYS, AmkMcAuth will remove
# this playerdata from internal memory to free up the used memory to store player profiledata.
# The data data is not lost, it will be loaded from File if player is logging in again.
# If this is set to 0 (or negative) AmkMcAuth will not remove profiledata of inactive players.
remove_inactive_after: 10

# Metrics Enabled by default
metrics_enabled: true
# Controls how many registered users are allowed per IP-Address (default 50 is like unlimited).
# Setting this to zero (0) will disable this feature, no Ip-Address counting on registration.
users_per_ipaddress: 50
language_file: "lang/"