Alpha Zombies

What is it?

Alpha Zombies is an attempt to recreate the game mode Infection from Halo. The idea was originally put to test on the SoftEggLand server (the server I help manage) and I was suggested to put it here! :P So I hope you all enjoy it.

How it works

How does the game work? Well it starts by having a single infected player, and several non infected (referred to as human) players in a confined arena space. The humans have overpowered close range weapons, and medium powered long range limited ammunition weapons, while the zombies have only their overpowered fists. The humans must survive the full game time in order to win, while the zombies must attack the humans in order to kill them. When a human dies, they become infected and join the zombie team. If all players are infected, it's game over, but if the humans can survive the full game length, then they are victorious.
For more info refer to this video

Future Plans

I can't really think of anything I could really add to this plugin. If you have a good Infection map that you think is worthy of being showcased, PM me and I'll try it out.


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Hello, bit of info about me, My Name is Dom, I help run the minecraft server over at SoftEggLand where I make specific plugins to run on their server. Feel free to check us out as we are a pretty fun survival/creative hybrid server. I also make other programs, websites and plugins on request, so head on over to my site if you want to get in contact with me directly, is where you'll find my stuff.

That's all for now!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 1, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 3, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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