
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



- IF you are hosting a new server and need some commands. Well this is place. Look below for some more details.


- Heal - You can heal yourself or other players with /heal or /heal <player>

- Feed- You can feed yourself or other players with /feed or /feed <player>

- Starve - Decrease your food bars to 0 or other players with /starve or /starve <player>

- Clear Inventory - Clear your inventory with /ci

- Kill - Kill yourself or other players with /kill or /kill <play

- Ping - If you get bored do /ping

- Almost Kill - Decrease your hearts to 1 or other players by doing /ak or /ak <player>

- Bye - Say bye to people by doing /bye <player>

- Welcome - Say welcome to new players with /welcome <player>

- Spam - Warn people for spam with /spam <player>

- xp1000 - Get 1000 xp with /xp1000

  • More commands coming soon


- command.heal - Use this for mostly Moderators, Donators and Admins

- command.feed - Use this for mostly Moderators,Donators, and Admins

- command.ak - Use this for mostly Moderators and Admins

- command.ci - Use this for mostly Admins

- command.starve - Use this for mostly Admins

- command.ping - Use this for Everyone

- command.kill - Use this for Moderators and Admins

- command.bye - Use this for Moderators and Admins

- command.welcome - Use this Moderators and Admins

- command.spam - Use this for Moderators and Admins

- command.xp1000 - Use this for Moderators, Donators, and Admins

  • More commands means more permissions


  • Right now the Config folder exists but there is nothing in it FOR NOW.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 3, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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