
AFK Machine = Are methods players use to defeat AFK detection to prevent being kicked or to gain rewards offered by some servers for time played. These "machines" fool the AFK detection by providing unattended, continual movement.

AFK Machine Detection

The plugin detects these types of AFK Machines:

  • Mine Cart
  • Flowing Water (circular)
  • Flowing Water (falling)
  • Continual jumping
  • Piston Powered Jumping
  • Piston Pushers
  • Piston/Door Randomizer
  • Creative Mode Fly Straight Up Forever
  • Continual Fishing
  • Saddled Pig ( with or without Carrot Stick )
  • Saddled Pig with lead
  • Horse
  • Arrow Machine
  • Continual Block Strike
  • Vine Farm
  • Water over Fence

AfkTerminator is able to detect the use of these machines and provides operators with several options in dealing with the offending players.


Penalties include:

  • NOTHING (report only)
  • LAVA - Cover the machine in flowing lava [VIDEO]
  • TNT - Destroy the machine and surrounding area using TNT [VIDEO]
  • KICK - Kick the player
  • KILL - Kill the player
  • COMMAND - Execute any operator configured command or commands. Default: 'ban [player]'
  • SPAWNMOB - Spawn one or many mobs specified on player's location

One word of caution about using the TNT penalty option. As you can see in the video, this can be very destructive. I'm afraid that some players may take advantage of this in PVP or Factions servers, building an AFK machine simply for the destruction it can cause to surrounding buildings or bases. USE WITH CAUTION.

When penalty=COMMAND, multiple commands can be executed, and this is defined by separating commands in the config.yml with " /n ". For example:

(from config.yml)

# If the punishment setting is "COMMAND", this is that command (or commands).
#  "[player]" will be replaced with't players name on execution
# Multiple commands can be executed by separating commands with " /n ".  All commands must be on a single line in this file.
commandPenalty: 'ban [player] /n ontime remove [player]'

Admin/Moderator Notification of AFK Machines

When an AFK Machine is suspected and eventually detected, administrators can elect to be notified via a console message, receive MC mail, and/or logging of information in a log file.


Information about detected AFK Machines will be found in the file /plugins/afkTerminator/AfkTerminator.log. There is no management of this file provided by the plugin, so it will grow continually. So server owners may want to delete this now and again, when the data contained has no more value.

In-game Message

Any player with the permission "afkTerminator.notify" will receive a message to their game client if they are online at the time of the detection. The language and content of this message is configurable and can be found in the afkTerminator/config.yml.

MineCraft Mail

Any player with the permission "afkTerminator.mailReceive" will receive an mail through any in-game mail system supported by the server. The message received is the same as seen in the in-game message (as described above), and hence is configurable.

AfkTerminator keeps track of the players with 'mailReceive' permission string through the use of a 'mail_list.yml' file found in the plugis/afkterminator folder. Each time a player joins the server and is found to have the permission, they will be added to this file along with the the time of the login.

Each time afkTerminator plugin is restarted (e.g. server reset), the file will be reviewed by the plugin an any player that has permission, but had not logged into the server for a configurable number of days will be removed from the mail list. This will keep the list from growing as admin/moderators turn over, and keep the system from sending messages to inactive players. If a player joins, that had the permission, but they no longer have the permission, they also will be removed from the list at that time. If a player is removed from list, still has permission, and later again joins the server, they will be re-added to the list.

The system command used to issue the mail to the players is also configurable, and is found in the config.yml. The default configuration is compatible with Essentials Mail.

Auto Login Blocker

The plugin will also prevent client hacks which try to "get around" an AFK kick by simply auto logging back into the server. This function will require a player to wait a configured amount of time before logging back into the sever after leaving for any reason. If there are multiple attempts the minimum time for a login is raised each time, and if the player exceeds a configured maximum number of failed attempts, an configured action (such as 'ban') can be taken by the afkTerminator.

If a player has the permission "afkTerminator.loginDelayExcluded", they will not be subject to this check.

Please see the pages for configuration, etc.



When a player has the "afkTerminator.excluded" permission string, they will not be subject to the afkTerminator punishment. Their use of afkMachines will still be recorded in the log and on console in order that there is a record, but instead of being punished, they will be set back to "no AFK Machine state" when an AFK Machine use is detected.


When a player has this permission they will not be subject to the minimum time for re-login after leaving the server.


When a player has this permission, the will be able to execute the command "afkt reload"


When a player has this permission, they will be notified with an in-game message (if they are online) when a player has been detected using an AFK Machine.


Whan a player has this permission, they will be notified with a mail message when a player has been detected using an AFK Machine.


The Vault plugin must be installed in your plugin directory if you want to use the afkTerminator permission strings


  1. Place AfkTerminator.jar in your plugin folder
  2. Place optional Vault.jar in your plguin folder if afkTerminator permission string is to be used.
  3. Restart your server / Reload Plugins
  4. Edit plugins/AfkTerminator/config.yml as needed
  • Edit is not required, as defaults are set
  • See insructions for config settings in the generated file or here

4. Restart your server / Reload Plugins if config.yml is modifed

That's it!

AFKTerminator can be integrated by other Plugin Developers!

The AFKTerminator has available an API so other AFK related plugins can take advantage of its detection capabilities, and use this information as part of that plugin's AFK algorithms. API instructions are found here.

Note from EDGE: The AFKTerminator was originally built for use with the OnTime plugin, but I thought there was a much larger need for this capability so I broke it out and made it slightly more powerful.

Change Log

For a complete change log, pleas see here


Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.9; Java8; Vault 1.5.6
Functional Enhancements
  • Added 'water over fence' AFK machine detection (Ticket #67)
  • Fixed NPE seen on Projectile Machine detection (no ticket)


Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.9; Java8; Vault 1.5.6
  • Fixed issue (again) where new line "/n" token was not working on COMMAND penalty (no ticket)
  • Fixed problem with '[VEHICLE]' variable in output, where previous data was not cleared out (no ticket)


Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.9; Java8; Vault 1.5.6
  • Fixed issue (really this time!) where offline players not receiving mail when enabled (Ticket #58/#61)
  • Fixed issue where MOB arrow attack while player is AFK, may be falsely identified as "arrow damage" afk machine. (No ticket)
  • Improved notes regarding proper syntax for using " /n " to specify multiple lines in command penalty (No Ticket)
Functional Enhancements
  • Added '[vehicle]' to list of supported output variables in afkMachine detection messages to ops. This will specify the vehicle type used. (Ticket# 62)


Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.9; Java8; Vault 1.5.6
  • Fixed issue where offline players not receiving mail when enabled (Ticket #58)
  • Fixed issue where some WATER based AFK machines were suspected by never detected (reported by user, but no ticket opened)


Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.9; Java8; Vault 1.5.6
  • Recompiled v3.0.2 with Spigot 1.9 API, updated Java8, & latest Vault
  • Fixed NPE issue when attempting to send mail notifications (Ticket #58)
  • Fixed issue where 'interaction' based AFK avoidance methods were not being detected (no ticket)
Functional Enhancements
  • Will now detect some forms of farming machines


Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.9; Java8; Vault 1.5.6
  • Recompiled v3.0.2 with Spigot 1.9 API, updated Java8, & latest Vault


Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.8.1; Java7; Vault 1.5.2
  • Fixed console errors seen when Vault, which is optional plugin, is not installed on the server (Ticket #45)


Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.8.1; Java7; Vault 1.5.2
  • Fixed issue with auto config upgrade when "worlds:" was not set to default '- all' in the config.yml. (Ticket #49)


Compiled/Tested with Spigot/Bukkit V1.8.1; Java7; Vault 1.5.2
Functional Enhancements
  • Made the plugin compatible with Spigot/Bukkit v1.8.1 and the use of UUIDs
  • Added option to notify admin/moderators via mail when AFK Machines are detected. (Ticket #47)
  • Made text displayed and sent in mail, upon AFK Machine detection, configurable (Ticket #47)
  • Fixed issue with 'interaction" detection enable/disable not working. (Ticket #48)
New Configuration
  • mailNotifyEnable: Set to true, if players with correct permission should be sent mail upon detection of AFK Machines.
  • afkDetectMsg: Configurable message displayed in-game, and mailed to players with correct permission upon detection of AFK Machines
  • mailCommand: Configurable mail command to execute to send messages, when AFK Machines are detected
  • mailListRemovalTime: Number of days a player with permission to receive mails can be absent before they are temporarily removed from the mail list.
New Commands


New Permissions

afkTerminator.mailReceive : If a player has this permission, they will receive a mail message when AFK Machines are detected


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 15, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 26, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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