
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

AethierPay is the custom plugin used by the Aethier Roleplay Server that allows users to be paid for mining Stone and various ores. The plugin was designed to fill a gap we found in bukkit plugins where we could find no suitable plugin that filled this purpose in the way we wanted to, but a few hundred lines of code later and we have a working plugin.

How does it work? AethierPay actively monitors the blocks broken by the player to see what they were broken with and what the block was. The plugin pays the user directly via "Vault" to any economy plugin the server is running (Although we strongly recommend iConomy as it is confirmed to work). To prevent the user from placing back down an ore block and getting the money again, I have changed a few physics of the game to help combat this issue.

Firstly, the plugin will ignore block breaks from "Silk Touch Pickaxes". Secondly, all Iron Ore and Gold ore will drop the ingot, not the block. The only way to acquire the ores is to use silk touch. This is not a physic all will like, but it was the best I could do. The plugin also checks your game-mode, to prevent users from exploiting free money in creative-mode by placing and breaking ore blocks by only paying users in survival mode.

The plugin also works through a permission system. A basic permission must be given to players before any rewards are given. This allows for the system to be limited to specific users or just limit it to certain worlds as is the case on the Aethier Server.


  1. Download the Plugin Dependancy known as Vault. Click here for Link
  2. Download and Setup an economy plugin is you do not already have one.
  3. Download the AethierPay and drop it into your plugins folder.
  4. If your server is running, restart it to load the plugin and generate the config file.
  5. Alter the config file as you please (See the guide below for help)
  6. Assign permissions to the players (See permissions section for help)

Commands: (Also shown in below image)

  • /aethierpay - Shows the commandlist ingame.
  • /aethierpay reload - Reloads the config file (If this command fails to update the pricelist, please restart the server instead)
  • /aethierpay rewards - Shows the rewards for mining each block (Also displays what Bonuses are active) - Note: /aethierpay rewards shows the doubled price value if the player has the permission

AethierPay Help Menu: AethierPay Help

AethierPay Rewards Menu: AethierPayRewards Menu

How to Change the prices? After installing the plugin and running it once, you will find a folder inside your plugins folder called "AethierPay". Inside there, you will find a file called "config.yml". Do not change the names of the items or else the config will break. Simply editing the prices will set the default reward value. If the plugin errors or stops working after editing the config, stop your server, delete the file and run the plugin again. This will generate a fresh working one. Note: The plugin sometimes has issues with values lower than 1. Aethierpay Rewards Config


  • aethierpay.aethierpay - Access to /aethierpay
  • aethierpay.reward - Allows earning money based on the config.yml values and Access to /Aethierpay rewards
  • aethierpay.rewards - Gives access to the pricelist
  • aethierpay.doublestone - Gives the user Doublemoney for mining Stone
  • aethierpay.doubleall - Gives the user Double Money for mining Everything (This will NOT double stone a second time)

How do i disable X block from giving rewards? Just set the value of the block to 0 in the config.yml


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 12, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Nov 10, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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