Default config.yml file, and settings.yml file!

Here's the default config.yml file:

##################### ##Main Config File:## ##################### # Wheter or not to show debugging lines debugging: true # Use the build in chat system! useBuildInChat: true # Log chat messages to logfile in the chat folder in the default plugin folder logChatMessages: true # If you don't want the players to be able to reset a world, and start over, set to false! Default is true enableResetCommand: true # Limit of how many times players can use the reset command. Set to 0 to disable limit. Default is 1 maxUseOfResetCommand: 1 # Wheter or not to use the normal portal block id 90 to change worlds - Should stay true! usePortals: true # Max log file size in bytes before it moves it to the same folder with new name ending with date and time - Default is 1MB logFileSize: 1048576 # If a player is in a copy world, he will be kicked to the lobby after standing still x minutes playerAfkTime: 15 # If a player is in a copy world, he will get a question every x min he will have to answer or he will be kicked to the lobby! playerTimeQuestionMin: 60 # How long time the player has, to answer the above setting playerTimeQuestionAnswerMin: 3 # How long time the invited player has to enter the portal, before the invitation expires and a new person can invite him worldInvitationTimeLimit: 1 # How many worlds is allowed to be open at a time maxWorlds: 13 # The lobby world! The world players will spawn in, when entering the server, and the world players will be kicked to! Should stay as 'world' lobby: world # These are the mainworlds! Adventuremaps! If entering a portal with one of these worlds, the player will get his own version af the map. worlds: - Testworld1 - Testworld2 ################### ##Ingame Strings:## ################### inventoryClear: Your inventory has been cleared for this adventuremap! worldMessage: You already have a world ($world)! Type '/answer yes' to tp to it, '/answer no' to delete it or nothing to stay in the lobb$ playerJoin: $player just joined the world! playerLeave: $player just left the world!

And here's the default settings.yml file:

difficulty: normal # Choose between normal/easy/hard/peaceful blockBreakMode: false # false = blockBreak is list of blocks you CANT break, true = blockBreak is list of blocks you CAN break blockBreak: # A list of blocks you can either break or not break. Make the list in the same way as the default with 2 spaces and a '-' - Bedrock - Obsidian blockPlaceMode: false # false = blockPlace is list of blocks you CANT place, true = blockPlace is list of blocks you CAN place blockPlace: # A list of blocks you can either place or not place. Make the list in the same way as the default with 2 spaces and a '-' - Bedrock - Obsidian - Water enableAdminMode: false # false = This world is not being checked when players place blocks wheter or not that specifik location is allowed, true = Location IS checked creeper: true # true = spawn creepers, false = disable creepers enderman: true # true = spawn enderman, false = disable enderman zombie: true # true = spawn zombie, false = disable zombie skeleton: true # true = spawn skeleton, false = disable skeleton spider: true # true = spawn spider, false = disable spider mobs: true # true = enable all mobs, false = disable all mobs


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